Example sentences of "they can be [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They wo n't light individual paintings unless they can be manoeuvred to direct light to a specific place .
2 Such people should be diagnosed by experts and given appropriate treatment which will prevent them from re-offending ; if necessary they can be detained to incapacitate them in the meantime .
3 They also occur in polyacetylene , an organic , one-dimensional semiconductor , where they can be invoked to explain many of that material 's properties .
4 Once preparations are obtained they can be treated to serve a number of purposes and some of these will be described .
5 Since documents usually have an overall structure , objective and topic , they can be said to represent a particular domain ( e.g. banking , insurance , etc . ) .
6 Archives and museums keep objects that hold information and they store information about the entities ( i.e. objects ) they hold , but whether they can be said to hold knowledge in the same way libraries do is debatable .
7 In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed , with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness .
8 On the basis of this identity of reference , they can be said to convey the SAME MESSAGE .
9 Proprietary life assurance companies are no different in this respect but it is very difficult to ascertain the amounts of profit arising from individual contracts and the exact period of time over which they can be said to have been earned .
10 Since the notional content of adjectives , on the other hand , does not define the nature of their support but only a quality thereof they can be said to have external incidence .
11 All is not dark in these accounts , and indeed they can be said to gleam with a quality of reflected light .
12 They can be said to determine and to indetermine , both to record , and to distort and desert , the facts of his life .
13 They can be displayed to help both child and interviewer .
14 They can be crushed to make matzo meal , although this can be bought ready-made in supermarkets or good delicatessens .
15 Costa Del Mar frames are handmade , adjustable ( ie they can be bent to fit your face ) and have a tapered groove to prevent lenses being driven into the eye on impact .
16 Since then it 's been illegal to bring dogs and cats into the country without the animals undergoing a six months quarantine period , where they can be monitored to make sure they are disease free .
17 Jack Russells are difficult animals to teach to retrieve — I have only had one that would do it properly — but they can be taught to work nets , drive rabbits into nets and to be thoroughly disciplined in all they do .
18 They can be rattled to produce a menacing warning sound , they can be thrust violently into the flesh of the attacker by backward lunges of the porcupine 's body , and they can easily be detached to be left embedded in the unfortunate predator 's anatomy .
19 Sometimes they can be heard bellowing far away on the shoreline in very great numbers .
20 They can be tightened to bring the top of the sack closer to the back , spreading the load over the shoulder harness and enabling the wearer to keep an upright stance , thus improving the stability .
21 They can be partitioned to accommodate ferrets singly or in multiples as necessary .
22 They can be tailored to cater for differing retirement ages as well as for varying contribution levels , which explains why some organisations are able to offer early retirement on very attractive terms .
23 In order to prevent damage to a lawn , they can be trained to use a flowerbed .
24 Feed on insects , though often they can be trained to take carnivore flake from the surface .
25 They can be trained to run simple mazes or to associate food with colours or other visual stimuli .
26 Some shops are offering old squarials at knock-down prices and implying that they 're a good buy because they can be converted to receive Sky next year .
27 Number one is that if there are National Savings of any sort , they can be utilized to pay tax .
28 At this time they can be observed rummaging around in search of food .
29 They can be observed flitting across the pit as they attempt to swim , with the parent picking them up and spitting them back into the quivering mass .
30 There is , Althusser stresses , no ‘ single ideological base time , to which all these different temporalities can be related , no ordinary ‘ single continuous reference time ’ which they can be seen to dislocate ( 105 ) .
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