Example sentences of "they are [vb pp] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Goals are much easier to attain if they are broken down into small steps .
2 Most take the experience with typical British humour and carrying on searching until either the dream home is found or they are worn down by the practicalities of price and location .
3 Although women state that they are tied down by the responsibility of small children , they also experience satisfaction with several aspects of their role [ which role ? ] .
4 So far as Trading Standards is concerned Chairman , the major income are weights and measures testing fees and they are set down by LACOTS , that 's Local Authority Courts on Trad on Trading Standards on er , an agreed scale , so we charge exactly the same as other authorities , for the same , for the same work , and we increase the fees every year , er , in line with erm , the recommendation .
5 These methods of cancer detection are equally valid if they are laid down as part of a surveillance protocol .
6 The floor is the worst place of all to store equipment such as typewriters , braillers or even piles of books , especially if they are put down on thoroughfares between desks or tables .
7 Victims first know that they are marked down as the tiger 's next meal when those enormously powerful front feet hit them .
8 Over at the laibon 's engang they are bedded down behind their own thicket of thorn bushes , the cattle jammed together in a large boma and the goats in a smaller one right in the middle , as far from the athletic leopards as possible .
9 The law of averages suggests it is Arsenal 's turn to beat their neighbours but the reality is they are weighed down by injury problems while Spurs , never beaten in the FA Cup at Wembley , look set to field their strongest side .
10 The other benefits of the Protagon are that the strings are not ‘ fixed ’ on the frame , rather they are guided down into the handle , ‘ floating ’ on the frame , according to the manufacturers , thereby equalizing the tension over the entire racket face .
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