Example sentences of "they are [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Homes with large impersonal reception areas are better for orientation if they are broken up into smaller areas divided from each other .
2 Once there , they are broken up by ultraviolet radiation , releasing chlorine atoms which destroy ozone , CFCs are also an important greenhouse gas ( see above ) .
3 Societies disintegrate from within more frequently than they are broken up by external pressures .
4 The recessed planes are used in places , but more often they are broken up by bold three-quarterings and massings which give a quite different sense of the third dimension .
5 Goals are much easier to attain if they are broken down into small steps .
6 Injection pipettes are made in exactly the same way as holding pipettes except that they are broken off at a smaller internal diameter .
7 Perhaps a bit more than that , the old nineteen thirty three class differentiation documents are reissued and they are reissued together with the supplements which we saw came out in the autumn of nineteen thirty three which and , and those supplements where then extended to allow the middle peasant to er up to twenty five , on some of the readings up to thirty percent , of his income from exploitation .
8 They are worn out by the desire of politicians to fight among themselves , manipulating the archaic rules of Westminster and creating red herrings as part of the game that aims to divorce the people from having a say .
9 Most take the experience with typical British humour and carrying on searching until either the dream home is found or they are worn down by the practicalities of price and location .
10 Latterly it has become increasingly apparent that neighbouring small-scale communities , even when they are lumped together under the same " tribal " label , are just as likely to be sharply contrasted as they are to be very much the same .
11 An open school is one where parents are encouraged to visit and participate , where they are perceived not as a problem but more as a solution to problems .
12 Sometimes they are perceived only by those in intimate contact , yet sometimes they can make everyone in a large crowd aware of individual feelings .
13 It is unlikely that more than a tiny proportion of farms will attain the bureaucratic structure associated with agribusinessmen farmers , but they are regarded suspiciously as possible Trojan horses introducing alien patterns of labour relations into the countryside .
14 He knows that they are regarded simply as Tory party stooges put there to do a job on behalf of central office rather than to represent the interests of the people .
15 These questions take us beyond the scope of this chapter , but they are raised again in Chapter 6 .
16 The manufacturers defend the practice saying that the rabbits are anesthetized for the shootings and that ‘ they are raised specifically for this purpose ’ .
17 For effectiveness , then , magazines and journals tend to reach the most relevant markets , provided they are selected carefully in the first place .
18 Here cycle tracks may be taken from road space , but as they are delimited only by markings they are available for cars to pull into when they need to pass oncoming traffic .
19 These lumps can become somewhat rounded through rolling and they are piled up on top of each other to create pillow lava .
20 ( i ) In the case of visual and other perception , they are bound up with ordinary things-cups , rooms , and landscapes .
21 Instead , they are bound up in the replication of previously set standards and routines which may actually frustrate the straightforward goal of simply getting housework done .
22 QUARKS , so the present theories go , are the building blocks of matter , and they are bound together by entities called gluons .
23 They are employed mainly in clerical and administrative work .
24 ‘ You 'd be amazed how many people live in this region because they are fed up with the rat-race , ’ he says .
25 Is it any wonder that I now plead with my right hon. and learned Friend to intervene on behalf of pupils and parents who wish to move their children over the border to Staffordshire because they are fed up with their own high-spending council and they want that council to take responsibility ?
26 Even they are fed up with his moods . ’
27 Maybe they are fed up of being seen as this natural type of band .
28 They are fed in onto this global trunk circuit erm from many feeder lines , sometimes by radio , sometimes by telephone , but they get in onto the very high-speed trunk circuit , and of those eight and half thousand observations made every hour , it takes between four and five minutes for six and half thousand of them to reach us at Bracknell .
29 The stories of Dubliners are not only disturbingly sharp representations from outside , they are fed too from inside by an intuitive closeness , an awareness that comes near to identification with these and those victims , male and female .
30 The most easily dyed materials are wool and silk ; cotton and linen are difficult as they are made primarily of cellulose , being obtained from plants , rather than animal protein , and are better reserved for the time when experience has been obtained with dyeing wool .
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