Example sentences of "they are not being [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Round tables are best for this because when they are n't being used for dining they can be piled with books , magazines and plants , and have the look and feel of a library table .
2 Of course , it is always possible to say that people are suffering from false consciousness ( women , for example , are continually suffering from the illusion that they are not being exploited in the home ) but that is surely too patronising a view to be taken at all seriously .
3 Students want a rapid return of tests for three reasons : they like to feel that they are not being neglected and that correcting their work is considered important by the tutors ; they want to see the result of their attempts while they are still fresh from their memories and they need to see the results of tests before attempting the next one , since tutors may well make comments which will help them to improve .
4 Well they are not being granted more freely , th when a an an exemption is granted , the inspector , the inspector , who grants the exemption has got to say that he is satisfied that the health and safety of the workforce will not be jeopardized .
5 Now I would say the welfare of those animals is less good because of that ; even if they are not being challenged by a disease .
6 These perceptions are thus conceived as contingent , as open to non-occurrence , since they are not being treated as normal , as being taken for granted , even though they did take place in actual fact .
7 We do not use Labov 's concept of the vernacular — the language used by speakers when they are not being observed ( which is described by Labov as the most ‘ regular ’ style ) — and this is in accordance with Principle 1 , suggested in chapter 1 : language in use is always observed within a social context of some kind .
8 If plants have anything wrong with them it may have already been there when they were obtained , or it is a sign that they are not being grown in the right conditions .
9 Although environmental risks have grown into the business domain in the last decade , they are not being accepted whole-heartedly by the insurance industry .
10 It is important that they should understand that they are not being examined to see how ignorant they are but that you are trying , with their help , to help them to become good spellers .
11 Social workers , who are justifiably worried about the growth of abuse , are eager to catch hold of new ideas , but they have failed repeatedly to realise that they are not being given proof .
12 Nonetheless , the National Radiological Protection Board recommends that when radiation levels approach its ‘ generalised derived limits ’ , the authorities should investigate both the sources of radiation and the way of life of people in the locality to check that they are not being exposed to excessive amounts .
13 However , when staff leave , they are not being replaced , and at least one senior worker , ( Shirley May , head of the Literacy Project ) intends to take early retirement in the summer .
14 Officers are working huge amounts of overtime and they are not being paid for it .
15 They have even more of a right to know if they are not being told at home .
16 Midwives or health visitors may also need to advise on other family members ' needs to ensure they are not being overlooked , and these may include practical childcare for a newborn baby and the feelings of the partner adjusting to being a parent .
17 ‘ But they are not being introduced .
18 Which are quite frightening about opting out , erm some of you will remember that we 'd attended Welwyn Garden City on a picket a month ago , and erm as a result of campaigning there , within the hospital , with the press and the Council , they have been turned down so they are not being allowed to opt out .
19 No vibration is caused by the vocal cords because they are not being put into action .
20 The Distributor may specify the standard and format of these copy masters and will return the copy masters to the Publisher 's appointed representative at all times when they are not being used for the reproduction of licenced copies .
21 The Distributor may specify the standard and format of these copy masters and will return the copy masters to the Publisher 's appointed representative at all times when they are not being used for the reproduction of licenced copies .
22 Pupils do need encouragement and help in making the best of them , and these expensive items should be returned to the clinic if they are not being used .
23 They are not being used for spending , much less for spending on newly produced goods and services .
24 ‘ I think it 's pretty well known that some of the ones that are going to get a particularly close look are the ones I mentioned , either because they are not being competed in by a lot of people in a great many countries , or they are expensive , and so on . ’
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