Example sentences of "they were not [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fellows seems to have acted in the sale of the Grand Union to the Grand Junction , for in a letter to the Grand Union he pointed out that the price would have to be realistic , bearing in mind that they were not dealing with a willing purchaser .
2 Between October and December when they were not competing in the Hamble Winter Series or jockeying against other IOR racers , the team was out everyday , practising manoeuvres aboard Oracle Arrow on a windward-leeward course at the mouth of the Hamble .
3 If — hairbrush microphones in hand — they were not pretending to be Abba , it was Welsh star Bonnie Tyler who was the inspiration for their unenthusiastic warblings .
4 But this did not mean that they were not communicating ; merely that they were not communicating by talking .
5 But they were not living as husband and wife .
6 They were not looking at us .
7 But they were not looking at one point , as the worshippers did at the Wimbledon Islamic Boys ' School ( Day Independent ) : they were moving up and down , backwards and forwards , bumping into each other and generally carrying on like people at Victoria Station during the rush hour .
8 Police said they were not looking for anyone else in connection with the deaths .
9 By now certain that Meehan and Griffiths were the murderers of Mrs Ross , the Crown Office in Edinburgh issued a statement that with Griffiths 's death and Meehan 's arrest , they were not looking for any other suspects in connection with the Ayr murder — thus , said Nicky , prejudging the very issue that was to come to trial .
10 Police said they were not looking for anyone else in connection with the discovery .
11 Police investigating the cause of a suspicious house fire in which a 33-year-old man died said yesterday ( Wed ) they were not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident .
12 If the syndicates running off their contracts were aware of the problems that were going to occur and did not inform Outhwaite , then they were not acting in utmost good faith .
13 The showmen created an entertainment and annexed an audience in a spectacular initial burst , but , of course , they were not operating in a vacuum and there was one major hurdle that had to be overcome before their victory could be regarded as complete and of permanent rather than fleeting significance .
14 Several times they fell painfully on jagged rocks , so that they learned to move exceedingly slowly , edging forward and feeling for a foothold , and all the time they could not know whether they were not wandering in aimless circles and approaching no nearer to the security of the forest .
15 This might include shifting the burden of proof so that defendants have to satisfy the jury that they were sure they were not trading on illicit information .
16 They were not opting for a particularly expensive scheme .
17 One or two mentioned that they would look forward to the course and that if they were not going to an ATB event they would be out anyway .
18 He had , and was going to have , the worst hangover of his life , but even in the throes of it he was aware of a sense of relief that they were staying there , they were not going to Greece .
19 Ansel Key 's subjects knew they were not going to be starved to death , being part of a controlled experiment under constant medical supervision , so in their cases the implications of hunger were not life-threatening .
20 They knew now that it was on these and on nothing else that their lives depended , and they were not going to waste anything they possessed between them .
21 The three boys set out , but they walked so slowly that Oliver thought they were not going to work at all .
22 They were not going to be involved in what he did .
23 Fenella gasped and felt the sour bitterness of evil magic touching her and remembered that the Stroicim Inchinn was the most strongly forbidden enchantment of all , and that whatever else they were going to be doing here , they were not going to be dealing with forbidden spells .
24 But the management did respond and er I think it was just because of the sheer pressure of the shop stewards er making continuous overtures to them on each and every problem that came up , and they were not going to be set aside er with a simple answer er that would n't satisfy a member .
25 He was dressed for dinner and she knew without doubt that they were not going to be invited to join him .
26 If they said they had not been upset on being told the diagnosis , this actually was the case ; they were not suffering from amnesia .
27 Deserted wives were regarded with even more suspicion than widows , and in their case the circular advised that outdoor relief should be denied for twelve months , to ensure that they were not colluding with their husbands to defraud the authorities .
28 The place had n't filled up yet but she noticed that the boys were congregating at the end of the hall beneath the balcony and on the left hand side while the girls were spread between the tables and chairs on the opposite wall , chatting and giggling and trying to pretend they were not waiting to be asked to dance .
29 But none of his encounters seemed to be convivial , so they were n't calling for drinks while he was there .
30 Yes , they had talent , more than all of us put together , but that does n't negate the fact that they were n't trying to be lyrically witty , which always sounds so contrived .
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