Example sentences of "they were [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were convicted of armed robberies and sentenced to 15 years and 14 years respectively .
2 They were convicted of criminal offences and sentenced to death in recent months , with no right of appeal , by a military court set up in April 1991 .
3 The location of the airfields was not logical if they were intended for defensive purposes .
4 We was in a two-bedroomed erm council flat but they were intended for old age pensioners like you know .
5 The applications of copper-based metals were extensive , and as new alloys became available through developments in smelting they were exploited in new ways .
6 But from the sides of their mouths projected the glistening tusks of boars , and they were crowned with great , bristling manes of stiff hair that ran down to the base of their spines .
7 Rocks close under the window were covered with grey and orange lichens ; further out they were encrusted with barnacles and beyond that they were blanketed with brown seaweeds , their slimy fronds gleaming in the sunshine .
8 They were invested with Japanese decorations and Aung San was given the rank of Major-General .
9 Perhaps they were disturbed by alarming reports from France , where the noble philosophical aims of Liberty , Equality and Fraternity were beginning to be taken a little too far .
10 They were fed on frozen European Bloodworm and frozen Daphnia , supplemented with live Bloodworm and Brineshrimp .
11 There they were received with unfailing courtesy and friendliness , and over endless cups of coffee checked out facts , co-ordinated information , and often interviewed Helen Martini or Derek Edwards .
12 And so , as predicted , two buckets of pigs blood were poured over the two of them and they were received by hysterical laughter .
13 In April 1957 , when what remained of the work was being cleared up , some specimens which had been laid by to crystallize were found to have done so , and so they were sent for pharmacological investigation .
14 They were sacked after Allied Anthracite Mining , which runs two pits in the Swansea valley , West Glamorgan , ordered the men to work on Christmas Eve .
15 Financial and administrative constraints permitting , the proposed more open and formal systems of careers guidance , support , and appraisal could achieve much especially if , as proposed , they were reinforced by explicit fairness in appointments procedures from preregistration level upwards and monitored for ethnic and gender neutrality under the auspices of the NHS Management Executive .
16 They were drenched in cheap perfume , and draped with gaudy women 's clothing and costume jewellery mixed with talismans and ritual power objects .
17 Another part ( principally the PFLP and PFLP-General Command ) felt closer to the rejectionist stance of Syria , and disliked the thought of any talks with the enemy unless they were based on equal or superior strength .
18 During the Sixties , they were re-equipped with English Electric motors and controllers , thus standardising them with the rest of the fleet .
19 They were spoiled by official ‘ Historic Monument ’ signs waffling away about Bronze Age stone heritages .
20 er they also brought out some a good range of lighting fittings er , which you still see about again used well I , I remember putting one , you saying about putting lights at different levels , erm a staircase which was in a new house which was architect design and built and erm , the staircase was er more or less centrally in the house rather than be stuck against one wall and so it had a well and down the centre of the well we strung one of these lights with er five different glasses suspended on black flex five black flexes and erm these were shades made of heavy glass er the glass was n't painted it was coloured all the way through , er and erm they were called er Chelsea , Chelsea glasswork and erm these each had a lamp inside them well er about three inch diameter cylinders actually about eight inches long and they were hung at different heights er so that the lip behind the staircase and also of course there 's a staircase being where it was , it was in the centre of er , a , quite a large hallway for modern stand for modern standards and erm it of course was a feature of the hall as well .
21 Fifty youngsters from Kirkby CE Primary School and Simonswood Primary School were taken to Alder Hey Children 's Hospital after they were overcome by strong bleach fumes used to clear a blocked drain at the pool .
22 The band was two accordions and the tunes were chaloupés and javas valsées , penetrating , jerky , fast , and they were danced with extreme devotion and virtuosity .
23 In particular women discovered they were treated with rare attention and understanding .
24 In the South , too , the scales of the law courts were tilted against them ; they were for the most part deprived of the right to vote , by various devices , notably the poll tax imposed on every voter ; and socially they were treated as lower-grade humans .
25 Children presenting with acute respiratory infections were referred to the district hospital for chest radiography , and severely ill children were admitted to hospital , where they were treated by standard protocols , and monitored daily by the study physician .
26 Data to address these questions were collected largely by interview , and in order to study changes over time , they were collected at regular intervals .
27 Her brother Mark broke the news after they were traced by Canadian police .
28 The old Company cars continued to operate from Bispham Depot until the late Thirties , when they were replaced by modern cars .
29 The cooperation of consumers enabled the disruption of production to be minimised ; and the industry 's expertise in avoiding the more serious problems developed with experience and with the higher priorities they were granted for scarce coal supplies after the disastrous crisis of February 1947 .
30 That these may be continuing problems is evident by a study by Bauman ( 1964 ) who found partially sighted pupils to be particularly insecure and with a greater sense of loneliness when they were integrated into open education systems .
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