Example sentences of "they had [vb pp] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Ted explained that they had uncovered more bones including the animal .
2 To the crew it was a routine trip and one they had made many times before by night .
3 the probation service held their own inquiry to see if they had made any mistakes .
4 They had examined all aspects of his previous contractual arrangements ‘ and were satisfied with the explanations given ’ , said a joint statement .
5 They had examined all aspects of his previous contractual arrangements ‘ and were satisfied with the explanations given ’ , said a joint statement .
6 If the clergy had gained — and continuing practice had yet to confirm this — the right to be taxed in their own assemblies rather than in parliament , they had exposed those gatherings to royal attention , intervention and considerable control .
7 After a last stand further north , Europe 's finest army was destroyed ; although they had lost many men , the Norman nucleus survived .
8 But the latest news was discouraging — they had met few supporters on the road down Keltney , a handful from the far side of Tummel , not a soul from Rannoch .
9 It was a course of discussion they had followed several times before , each time with greater perplexity as their bright , affectionate little boy metamorphosed into a silent , awkward adolescent .
10 Our teachers were the nearest guides because they had travelled these routes before us ( though of course we would n't teach ) .
11 They had become such friends that it seemed unnecessarily unkind of him to stay away .
12 Some directors of the House of Industry had trespassed on workhouse premises , where they had lopped some trees without permission .
13 They had investigated many murders before , but this was not a murder ; this was the destruction of the entire planetary system of government .
14 This was the first time they had shared such intimacies , yet there was a familiarity about the touch of muscle and skin , the shape of flesh and bone .
15 They had shared some secrets about ambitions , dislikes , fears .
16 In passing she had mentioned once that she missed the fox terrier , Rex , they had had many years ago as children .
17 They had had many rows like this , and it was a measure of how far their relationship had come that Edward , while sometimes scorched by the depth of Erica 's cynicism , fought his corner without descending into rage and came back for more .
18 Although they had had several centuries to grow into the landscape , they still represented a foreign intrusion for many increasingly xenophobic Englishmen , and the growing attack on their position made little real attempt to differentiate between ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ houses .
19 They had had several children , of all of whom but the eldest Arthur was the father .
20 This curious conclusion set at nought the work on distribution done by Brown , Humboldt , Darwin and Wallace , and by the botanists Joseph Hooker of Kew and Asa Gray of Harvard ; they had found all sorts of curious patterns , of which it seemed possible to make sense in terms of migrations , barriers and ice ages .
21 When the team left for Cameroon they had spent several months gathering the equipment necessary for their 4 weeks of planned project activity .
22 We had booked up for the ordinary ship and , and rail you know , to go over by ship and rail but er during the months awaiting the , I think we were going in July and er we had booked up maybe about April , but they had put these planes on and Polytechnic wrote to us and said , if we paid two pounds ten extra , we could go by air and we did it and the full tour for a week in Paris , going by air , was twelve pounds ten .
23 They had taken several houses when the Troop officer — Captain Johnny Giles — was working his way room by room through another .
24 The move is that which Aristotle or Kant would have made if they had promoted all outsiders ( such as women and non-European peoples ) to the status of honorary Athenian or Prussian men .
25 They were asked what instruction they had received , whether they put drops in by themselves and if they had experienced any problems .
26 These doors were now firmly closed , but they had opened several times since Zen 's arrival , admitting a succession of visitors who had forced their way through the mass of bodies and expectant faces in the corridor outside , sweltering under television lights and waving microphones in front of anyone who appeared .
27 When they had finished several hours later I felt confused and sat outside the room to smoke a cigarette while the Sergeants deliberated .
28 Despite some earlier hesitations , it is now certain that A commits the tort of intimidation against C if he threatens B with conduct which is unlawful in relation to B and thereby intentionally causes B to act ( or refrain from acting ) in a way which causes damage to C. It is not a requirement of this tort that B's conduct be in any way unlawful in relation to C. An old illustration is Garret v. Taylor , where the plaintiff was the lessee of a quarry and alleged that the defendant had ‘ disturbed ’ his customers and his workmen by ‘ threatening to mayhem and vex them with suits if they had brought any stones . ’
29 The fact that they had brought these missiles with them showed their aggressive intentions .
30 They had spoken several times on the telephone and he had rediscovered many things about her , things he had forgotten — her pleasant manners , her humour , her gentleness , and above all her dedication to her music .
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