Example sentences of "they made [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The following month they made a similar objection to the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers beating the retreat in Shipquay Street .
2 Pro-ETA demonstrators had greeted King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia when they made a two-day visit to San Sebastián , in the Basque region , at the end of July .
3 When he was younger he used to trap them ; they were dry and husky to bite , but inside , they made a tender morsel .
4 Their wings were outspread above her like a canopy , and at the side they made a white-feathered screen for her .
5 They made a wide circle through the grounds .
6 ‘ We neither blame the Duke nor Mr. Burn , but we think they made a great mistake in accepting their nomination ’ .
7 When the Japanese counter-attacked on other occasions they made a great hullabaloo , often shouting to each other as they came forward .
8 But they made a great thing with the salt fish .
9 In 1987 Graham Gooch joined the company , and together they made a great team , leading to Gooch 's innings of 333 in the Lord 's Test match in 1990 .
10 They made a great show of prayers but treated people wrongly .
11 They made a great fuss of him , because he was new and had come from Por Tanssie which had a bad reputation .
12 They made a good pair , both dark-haired , Simone animated and bubbly , laughing as he related amusing anecdotes about his travels .
13 They made a good pair , people would have said who saw them .
14 I mean the mixer 's just as bad but really we 've got on to them Brian did and they made a good job , they squared it up .
15 But they made a good offer .
16 If they made a good impression during that brief stay at the University , they would be given priority of consideration for becoming undergraduates when they were demobilised .
17 After he died , they made a new graveyard on the other side of the village .
18 Sometimes they made a new fort , throwing up a ditched mound with a palisade on the crown enclosing a timber citadel , with a defensible yard at its feet .
19 And then , er , I think , er , a beautiful conception they just finish this , they made a new train station , did you know the ?
20 While they made a deep impression upon French society in this age , it should not be forgotten that mercenaries constituted a phenomenon encountered elsewhere , in Spain , in Germany and , in particular , in the country dominated by merchant states , Italy .
21 Last year they made a net profit of £17,345,000 , of which 79p in every pound goes to the charity 's overseas programme .
22 She went to sit on the sofa , and there she dreamed of Johnny , tenderly and with affection ; she thought of the words that he had said , and they made a warm spot , infinitely sweet , deep inside her where it could not be touched ; for just an hour or two , she began to believe that she truly loved him .
23 Another commando raid that summer was mounted by 12 Commando ; 16 men led by 2nd Lieutenant Pinkney landing near Ambleteuse where they made a general reconnaissance returning safely to England although a stoker on the naval craft was killed by enemy action , probably during the withdrawal .
24 I mean they made a nice shell , but I like these .
25 They made a nice presentation made a nice er nice do with it and then they er quite a few there .
26 Probably they made a nice start to a meal , too .
27 Around Christmas Fayre , when the Food Hall was crammed with food you did n't normally see in the other seasons , they made a nice end to a meal .
28 They made a nice comeback but tactically we were in fine shape and that 's what turned out to be the winning move . ’
29 They made a verbal decision to go earlier this month after a 48-0 home defeat by Newbridge , and no effort was made to persuade them to stay .
30 To our amazement they made a complete hash of their batting and to our even greater surprise were totally baffled by Cowdrey 's rich cocktail of medium pace .
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