Example sentences of "they should [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But they wrote and edited with their eyes also on the contemporary situation and on the future , with a determination that the people 's faith and worship should not be swamped by the religions of their Babylonian masters , and that once back in God 's Land , they should not commit the same dreadful mistakes again .
2 A draft constitution bill prepared by the Sejm constitutional committee was rejected on Oct. 18 , as deputies felt that they should not restrict the work of the new parliament .
3 Such suspicions were certainly not entirely stilled when , at an early stage , Baker told staff that while they should not disparage the premier 's opponents , Central Office was , nonetheless , the office of the leader and therefore must not create the impression of neutrality .
4 But they should not compare the two sets of drawings too closely , as the competition schemes were part of a larger layout , and Scott 's latest design was for a much smaller building which , although it included an official residence , hardly exceeded the bulk and cost of the original office part alone .
5 They should not undertake the sung parts traditionally assigned to them in the Offices and in the Eucharist .
6 Staff can touch the body provided they wear disposable gloves , although they should not wash the body .
7 These foods should only be eaten occasionally ; they should not form the basis of your diet .
8 The residential arm is also taking advantage of lower land prices to buy sites within , or close to , urban centres , although the target for new sites is they should not exceed a 12-month sales life .
9 Although the government has told authorities they should not refuse a fast track assessment to someone just because they can not establish ordinary residence , there is nothing to say they may not .
10 Under Rachel 's serene autocracy the firemen agreed that there was nothing much to be done now , that the house seemed safe enough but they should not use the attic until someone ‘ from the department ’ had been and inspected it the next day .
11 School route : Durham county council has reminded school bus drivers that they should not use the narrow Roundhill Road route .
12 They feel that it is not appropriate for their naughty child to receive special treatment or they feel that they should not reward the child for doing something that other children do naturally .
13 But despite this , a Customs official suggested to the Foreign Office that approaches be made to the two ambassadors to suggest that they should not allow the officials to appear in court to support this claim as part of the defence case .
14 This does not mean that they should not attend the Anonymous Fellowships .
15 They were apparently advised by people not named , that they should not take the petition round in their area , and they were also apparently reminded who they were employed by .
16 They should not take the attitude that ‘ risk management is someone else 's business ’ ; rather , they should take the initiative .
17 if the government and public undermine the professional status of solicitors , they should not have the benefit of the Compensation Fund .
18 He was outstanding in charity and compassion , paying for the release of prisoners who were detained for debts and succouring families in time of need , but giving strict charge that they should not acknowledge the source of this help .
19 While there is no reason why local authorities should not keep a list of known offenders in the area who have been convicted of offences against children , they should not keep a blacklist of those suspected but not convicted of such offences ( R v Norfolk County Council , ex pM [ 1989 ] FCR 667 ) .
20 There is some validity in most of these criticisms , but they should not obscure the fact that the fundamental problems with the RPF were conceptual rather than tactical or organizational .
21 Although considerations of cost should be considered , they should not dominate the debate .
22 The Poles must oppose secession in the name of the unity of the working class of all the Russias , but they should not ask the Russians to compromise with Great Russian chauvinism by refusing the Poles the right to secede .
23 However , ’ he added with a reassuring smile , ‘ there 's no reason why , with a bit of luck , they should n't make a full recovery .
24 I 'm not saying that they should n't make a mess or like that
25 Cambridge United will be their quarter-final visitors next month and they should n't stand a prayer .
26 If people do n't like jail , they should n't break the law .
27 Councillor Willie McCafferty said that a lot of hot air was being blown about the issue , and that they should n't hold a seminar until they were actually sure mining would go ahead , adding , ‘ A lot of people here will have their pockets well lined and I make no apologies for that ’ .
28 Though staff and parent governors do n't serve in a shop steward capacity to relay complaints and grumbles , they should n't miss the opportunity of raising problem issues at the meetings as open discussion often provides a springboard towards a solution .
29 When they want us to listen , we begin by giving advice or telling them why they should n't feel the way they do , and we do nothing but trample all over their feelings .
30 Pat Day , Kentucky Derby winning jockey , slammed the TV networks , saying : ‘ We have so many positives in our sport they should n't emphasise the negative as they did .
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