Example sentences of "they could be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were comfortably beaten by Leicestershire on their Championship debut and will plainly find it hard to bowl sides out , but against that they won four of their first five one-day matches and indicated they could be serious contenders for a trophy .
2 The native tribal organizations were even retained , since they could be used tor yasak collection .
3 They could be successful entrepreneurs who have retired in their fifties , or idle sybarites with the good fortune of inheritance .
4 They could be joint bottom tomorrow if things go wrong and I know all about the Forest jinx that has haunted them in recent years .
5 Or , in early July , they could be young starlings .
6 They could be steel workers .
7 They could be professional managers or they could be doctors or nurses .
8 In this definition u 1 and u 2 are quite general quantities ; but as examples , they could be simultaneous values of the same component of the velocity at two different points , or two different components of the velocity at a single point .
9 They could be copper wires .
10 They could be serial killers , joyriders , arsonists or hitmen .
11 In the object-oriented model , objects represent some aspect of interest in the application area : they could be physical entities , concepts , ideas or events .
12 He has an ( American ) liberal 's instinct that they could be valuable instruments of federal policy in pursuit of woolly-sounding social goals , providing they are properly regulated .
13 However , they could be valuable witnesses who may have seen something of interest .
14 Thus a stream of pulses lasting 1 second each and given at 10 second intervals could be the ‘ background ’ ( they could be sound pulses or pulses on a screen , for example ) ; the ‘ signal ’ being sought could be the absence of a pulse , one that was shorter or longer than the standard value or one that appeared too soon or too late .
15 Instead , they could be imaginative products of creative advertising agencies , paid for by the offender(s) , to persuade employees , consumers , and the general public to be cautious in the future of this corporation and its officials .
16 They could be big fish , but their heartfelt politics should mean they will not become part of the corporate rock machine .
17 False consciousness also prevents capitalists from realizing how they could be freer individuals under advanced communism .
18 That we see planets and stars rising and setting proved nothing since they could be relative motions .
19 It is quite clear from studies of aboriginal peoples elsewhere that they could be astute traders and politicians , using the European newcomers for their own ends as much as they were being used .
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