Example sentences of "they say [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They say that at a certain point it will stop expanding and start contracting again , back into the original primal seed .
2 They say that at the moment of death the whole of one 's past life flashes before one 's eyes .
3 They say that on a clear day you can see the Isle of Harris .
4 They say that without the introduction of a full-scale growth incentive public confidence will remain at rock bottom with no increase in spending .
5 This could be the year they do , though they say that around the Cam every year and have been wrong for 15 of the last 16 .
6 They say and in a hall which
7 They said that in a political situation , if you had one side you could call it the thesis , say capitalism was the thesis and communism was the other side and that was the antithesis and that these two would one another and it was only when they came together and got their good points both of them adopted , that one was really going to get a satisfactory solution .
8 They had tried to head these off , but because they could slip into the lanes and wynds of the town , this had proved difficult , Ramsay interrupted to demand whether one of these fugitives had been a tall man in shirt and breeches ; but they said that in the darkness they could not tell .
9 The local Labour controlled council put through a scheme earlier this year to reduce rubbish collection to once a fortnight , they said because of the success of their recycling schemes .
10 Do they say that as an exclamation of surprise or invitation ?
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