Example sentences of "they will [verb] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They 'll think that you are running down your own children . ’
2 if you start talking any other business about wha except what you 're doing there then they 'll think that you 're doing that as an as a side .
3 no they 'll think that you 've nicked one from the Co-Op wo n't they ?
4 Why do n't you say fuck them right off and they 'll think that you .
5 ‘ If anyone tries , ’ she said steadily , very conscious of the steel strength of his hands , ‘ they 'll find that I have a highly developed sense of self-preservation .
6 All the drivers are exciting , and people who are stuck in this pattern of behaviour often have an incentive to stay in it — they feel that one day they will succeed , they will finally be perfect , they will at last please everyone ; they will prove that they can get everything done more quickly than everyone else , and they 'll know that they can undertake anything under the most difficult conditions .
7 They 'll see that we 're just like them .
8 Often they will comment that they did it deliberately , for some poor reason or other , or say that they could , of course , have touched down earlier if they had really tried .
9 Specialists in linguistics sometimes claim that if non-specialists are asked what the function of language is , they will reply that it is ‘ to send
10 Specialists in linguistics sometimes claim that if non-specialists are asked what the function of language is , they will reply that it is ‘ to send information ’ or ‘ to tell other people your thoughts ’ .
11 They will ensure that we have an effective and up-to-date framework of law in order to maintain that progress in the 1990s .
12 They will ensure that we all continue to have a say in Labour 's decisions and I urge you to support them .
13 If societies ‘ need ’ crime then it is logical to assume that they will ensure that there will be crime .
14 I admit they will find that something of a puzzle , but given the low critical standards of provincial audiences , they might hit upon the felicitous conclusion that she choked while in the midst of an exaggeratedly hilarious response to that pathetic farce .
15 When I die they can perform an autopsy and they will find that I have never ever taken an illegal substance .
16 They are trouble-makers , English ; but they will find that I am more expert at making trouble than they are . ’
17 There are a lot of ways that er both the Councillors can get into the habit and recycling is quite habit forming of recycling and from that er home use of recycling they will learn that there is a lot of products they can use in their councils ; recycled plastic makes very good er roadside signs that do n't rust and do n't need painting .
18 They will vouch that I stayed here , doing-accounts , going out to look at the carving which were being made for the pageant for the king 's coronation . ’
19 If he can look that prospect squarely in the eye and both parties cut out the cheap jibes , they will see that they are talking the same language .
20 When hon. Members read the fact sheet attached to my statement , they will see that it is difficult to compare like with like .
21 And they will recall that it 's not long since Evans was talking about cashing in on Rugby Union in South Africa !
22 He warned : ‘ After a while they will claim that you accepted pay for your country ’ .
23 This means that they will recognise that they are not intended to commit themselves to all of the implicatures they had derived .
24 Anyone considering a purchase from this company should make sure they get cast-iron guarantees concerning specification and after sales support or , like me and many others to my knowledge , they will wish that they had not been taken in by misleading advertising and had paid a little more money to an established British company .
25 I hope that Opposition Members will accept in good faith the undertakings given by my right hon. and learned Friend and myself and that they will accept that we seek to find the best possible way forward to meet the important points about victimisation .
26 They will say that they do n't have the courage to stay emotionally alive , particularly if they are serving a long sentence .
27 They will say that we have a responsibility to serve all sections of society and to produce programmes that reflect and represent the composition of the nation accurately .
28 Now of course they will say that their goal is to win but unfortunately their actions do n't seem to reflect this ; no matter the amount of money Leeds needs to keep its class players if it wants to win .
29 Martin Braine found that if children between five and six years of age are shown a standard visual illusion — such as a stick in water appearing to be broken , by light refraction — they will distinguish correctly between ‘ looks ? ’ and ‘ really ? ’ questions , but that if they are asked the neutral question ‘ Is the stick straight or broken ? ’ they will say that it is broken .
30 Ask many who have known him for years , and they will say that he looks most comfortable at his annual visit to the Renaissance Weekend at Hilton Head Island over the New Year holiday .
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