Example sentences of "they be [v-ing] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 They are fishing mainly for espada ( scabbard fish ) which is caught four to five kilometres off shore in depths of over 800m , using lines with about 150 hooks .
2 This is partly to get higher wages , but it is really so because jobs are run-of-the-mill and they are looking simply for a change of venue , a new setting , and new faces .
3 They want a baby they 're not concerned whether it 's going to have spina-bifida or have som , they are looking forward for a perfect baby .
4 Work is well on , but they are looking particularly for an Aldis gun sight for the project .
5 Over the last four years the Midland Group have provided a crew for the Vintage Train on several occasions and for last September also handled their own marketing and ticket sales , as they are doing again for this October .
6 ‘ Oh , I expect they 're saving hard for their wedding , ’ Merrill said carelessly .
7 Oh they 're coming here for Christmas .
8 I walk around the shop on air and Berty Barlow says I 've got stars in my eyes , and I have and they 're shining just for you .
9 I hope they 've learned how to turn corners , they 're making straight for me .
10 But he was reassured by the fact that the Dhah had promised that they were leaving only for a few weeks vacation .
11 They 'd all come straight to Ingham 's after the Requiem Mass and they were waiting now for John Burns , the undertaker , to come and tell them when the grave was ready at the cemetery and the men would walk the coffin there .
12 They were heading straight for the belt of shrubbery where he and Larsen had taken cover , and which Larsen had just vacated .
13 Oh , must be Friday then , I knew they were going away for the week , weekend
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