Example sentences of "they be [adv] not [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They are really good fun to be around , they are just not overindulgent or obsessive , ’ he says .
2 ‘ Teaching at home is a bloody waste of time — the students are so alienated that they are just not interested . ’
3 They are also not enthusiastic about bankrolling the economic ‘ convergence ’ of the poorer EC countries .
4 They are also not afraid to ‘ take charge ’ .
5 In any event , there are undoubtedly inherent difficulties in applying a child-centred approach to discipline in an institutional setting , although they are probably not insurmountable .
6 Although viruses , plasmids , and transposons are relatively simple , they are probably not primitive , because they can replicate only inside living cells , using some of the machinery of those cells .
7 But they are surely not financial : at the end of 1992 , net debt was less than $785m .
8 Although the Japanese could object under EEC law that this is artificial price fixing , they are secretly not unhappy .
9 It is quite hopeless to expect any news which they are either not ready nor sufficiently interested to share .
10 Caught unprepared , Sotheby 's admit that , while they have the Sharp collection , they are still not sure when it will be sold ( most probably in January 1994 ) and more importantly , what exactly will be sold .
11 Here they are still not uncommon figures in the poorer parts of the larger cities .
12 They are still not 100 % safe .
13 However , while these dollar values are better than dinar values for the years up to 1983 , they are still not satisfactory , both for the reason given above and because the real value of the dollar has fluctuated considerably during the past ten years .
14 For some standards ( e.g. on earnings per share and deferred tax ) , this fact makes it easy to comment on their applicability : they are obviously not applicable .
15 They are really not similar enough , either to each other or to Knossos , for us to assume that they were copied from the Knossos Labyrinth as a model .
16 They are certainly not small targets to be found with a metal detector and I was amazed that they were there , for they proved that no detector user had worked the area since my last visit .
17 They are not really enjoying what they are eating ; they are not even noticing what they are eating ; they are certainly not satisfying feelings of hunger .
18 They are by no means all bad , but they are certainly not all good .
19 If anything , the papers are growing yet more adventurous , and they are certainly not expensive , at between three and five kopecks ( pence ) a copy .
20 They are certainly not human .
21 And they are certainly not blind to their difficulties or weaknesses .
22 People have looked with interest but in vain at the cores of quasars , but they are certainly not white holes .
23 While there are local adaptations of agricultural and pastoral practice to conserve soil , these processes ensure that they are usually not far-reaching , nor fast enough .
24 They are wholesale not retail deposits , and yet they were still included in M1 .
25 Is my hon. Friend aware of the problem that some mature students , particularly women with home commitments , have to take their degree courses in the form of part-time courses and that they are therefore not eligible for mandatory grant ?
26 They 're clearly not used to a lot of tourism .
27 And then they 're just not available to play at home th those
28 well they 're just not honest are they ?
29 For that reason we have to welcome er the er th th the orders , but they 're just not good enough .
30 Your No.1 guide to the AQUARIUM BREEDING SUCCESSES Cardinal Tetras • Freshwater Angels • UK EXCLUSIVE — A reader 's success with Green Chromides COLOUR MUTATIONS Why they 're just not natural
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