Example sentences of "they be [verb] [prep] he " in BNC.

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1 If they differ only in what they are made of he says : ‘ Mahmah ’ , which is his version of ‘ Matter ’ .
2 less than nothing and emptiness they are reckoned by him .
3 It seems to be established , and rightly so , that the criterion is not geographical — privilege does not attach to letters sent by constituents to a member , even though they are posted to him in the post office in the Lobby of the House of Commons ( Rivlin v Bilainkin [ 1953 ] 1 QB 485 ) .
4 The young male thereafter protects very young sexually immature females so that they are attracted to him and form a close relationship .
5 The Commission affirms , therefore , that music in worship is not an extravagance but a necessity if people are to receive the special blessings which God gives through it , and if they are to offer to him their best and their most .
6 I have great sympathy with Linford ; what they are doing to him is totally disgraceful . ’
7 A lot of leading ladies end up marrying their leading men , simply because they mock-up that guy as their husband while they are working with him .
8 In any event , it seems strange to penalise the good citizen , whose natural instinct is to trust the revenue and pay taxes when they are demanded of him .
9 They are changed for him by the eagles who come and take him in his sleep to a new world — which Sam , with a resurrected Gandalf in front of him , very nearly perceives as Heaven .
10 They are enchanted by him , and that is why they made special arrangements to bring him home to the United States . ’
11 They 're searching for him , ’ my father said suddenly , in between mouthfuls of cabbage and soya chunks .
12 Erm if we get on very well if we get through say that book one on the maths if we get through very well then we can start having a look at what he 's going to do when he goes back so he 'll understand the terms when they 're explained to him
13 They 're staying with him now . ’
14 They 're looking for him on the moors . ’
15 And Jesus had n't stopped speaking , but even as he 's saying that the these people are gathering around him , the tax gatherers , the sinners , the undesirables of society , they 're gathering around him to hear what he 's got to say .
16 That 's a tenner a week they 're giving for him !
17 But they 're waiting for him at the telecottage , a converted school which is due to run out of HIE and BT funding soon and is aiming to become a profitable business , specialising in desk-top publishing , graphic design and printing .
18 They were sent to him in packages of ten cartons from Moscow .
19 They were hanging off him , he never wears a belt
20 They were calling for him , whistling shrilly , stamping their feet .
21 The poet , Laurie Lee , describes his schooldays with critical detachment : but they were boring for him too .
22 The giants had taken Tara for their own and when Tealtaoich and the others had fled to the Forest Court , Nuadu had gone with them , neither quite one of them nor quite not one of them , but feeling a cautious kinship with them and discovering , with cynical amusement , that they were looking to him to lead them back .
23 When Philip was alone in the wood he imagined all sorts of things about the planes , that they were enemy planes bombing Thirkett , that they were on reconnaissance flights spying , that they were looking for him : a crashed pilot hiding out in the wood .
24 They were look they were waiting for him , they were looking for him they were expecting him
25 They were looking at him with an air that mingled irony and respect .
26 They were looking at him oddly .
27 Tony and Stephen had stood back to let their sisters greet Terry , but they were looking at him and waiting eagerly to greet him , oblivious of Frank .
28 They were acquired by Mr. B. Hopkin-Morris and preserved by him until his death in 1933 , when they were named after him , as a memorial .
29 It would be a bit tricky for the count to keep her shut away if they were staying with him .
30 They were counting on him not coming out of hospital .
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