Example sentences of "they do not [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 They did not squeal and race about in panic , but allowed themselves to be driven through the house and down the steep ramp to the underground slaughter-house without protest .
2 They did not express or reveal but played with her own experience , or she wove fancies from tiny fragments of fact — at least this I sometimes thought I recognized .
3 The Burgess animals have been taken from established phyla in which they did not fit and put into new ones .
4 Though they were alone they did not embrace or kiss .
5 At best they were regarded as a distraction , if not a danger ; the assumption being that as they did not smoke or play outdoor games , ‘ they devote themselves … to inducing lads to leave humming-tops and marbles , and cleave only to them ’ .
6 To his daughters , Urraca and Elvira , he gave dominion over all the monasteries within his borders , on the sole understanding that they did not marry and thereby produce alternate heirs to the kingdom .
7 They did not move like shadows ; they did not shift and blur .
8 However , the Royal Commission on Capital Punishment , which reviewed the matter thoroughly in the early 1950s , and later law-reform committees have accorded preference to the ‘ general principle ’ that ‘ persons ought not to be punished for consequences of their acts which they did not intend or foresee ’ .
9 This they did not do and they should have ascertained by sticking writing into the National Westminster Bank to confirm that sufficient funds were available for the completion of the proposed transaction and that the terms upon which this finance was to be made available had been agreed .
10 That they did not do and now the leader of the council said well they 're trying to get down to the standard spending assessment at last , he could have done that a long time ago , you have had nothing but excess expenditure proposals on behalf of this city for many , many years .
11 The introduction of summary financial statements ensured that building society members did not have to cope with extensive , detailed financial information that they did not want and could not be expected to understand .
12 They did not want or need Rachaela any more .
13 All this means that individuals feel estranged and confused by an event that has very powerful consequences in their life but which they did not witness and feel very frightened of .
14 And always , always , however she killed , the moment of agonising red pleasure that was awareness of non-existence , the I stilled , the beautiful blissful moment when she did not exist and they did not exist and They did not exist and the whole dusty lightless World was not — only the certainty of not-existing never lasted and soon she would have to kill again .
15 And always , always , however she killed , the moment of agonising red pleasure that was awareness of non-existence , the I stilled , the beautiful blissful moment when she did not exist and they did not exist and They did not exist and the whole dusty lightless World was not — only the certainty of not-existing never lasted and soon she would have to kill again .
16 That is what happened , and we now realise that we must take away from such authorities that most unjust tool with which they managed to acquire electoral support that they did not deserve and have unscrupulously used .
17 They did not attack but took up their stance on Halidon itself , covering that hill .
18 I had to change the A-level economics syllabus to take account of yet more dotty ideas that poured out of the Department of Economic Affairs , of national plans that were revised because they did not work and of huge methods of distributing money through regional policy , where more than half the country was part of a development area .
19 And the actors ‘ played ’ ; they did not act or perform ; they did not , as we would say today , ‘ stage ’ a performance of the Passion ; but rather , they played the game of the Passion .
20 We now know that the reason for this was that they did not dwell or traffic within the walls ; that Lundenwic like Hamwih lay outside , along the Strand or foreshore of the Thames .
21 When questioned further very few of them thought of this God or power as a man , but either as a person without a body or as something like air or gas , and a few said they did not know or that there was no God .
22 In one set of experiments subjects were shown photographs of people they did not know and were asked to indicate whether they thought the person in each picture was a successful person or a failure .
23 The miners ' representatives had not even pressed for a free trade union , though they had demanded the removal of trade union officials whom they did not like or trust .
24 As the Superintendent put it , ‘ Rehabilitation means learning to work ’ , which included work which they did not like or to which they were not suited .
25 In each country , a random sample of the electorate were questioned about their attitudes towards the political process — their perceived ability to affect political change , their participation in various political activities , their attitude towards parties they did not support and so on .
26 and they did not fly or sit :
27 They do not strike or write to the papers , and they have no votes . ’
28 Patients are so grateful to get treated they do not complain or get taken seriously .
29 They do not visit and do not know their neighbours .
30 They do not stop but keep whirling forwards oblivious to their surroundings .
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