Example sentences of "they do not [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 They did not think that these qualities could be found in a job for college leavers — Well perhaps interest and challenge , but not being in charge . ’
2 The ultimate goal was to have the potential unlocked , but they did not think that AEA was ready for that .
3 they did not think that it had been a whole school effort ;
4 They did not realise that the obligations they were taking on left them with no leeway to cope with worsening market conditions .
5 But they did not realise that they were making errors ; the subjects were convinced that hypnosis had actually helped them to remember the poem accurately .
6 They did not realise that three years would elapse before Black 's injuries would be sufficiently stabilised to enable them to be measured by his doctors or that there are factors in the functioning of the United Kingdom judicial system which would thwart him from securing justice in the courts .
7 My own view is that neither Mr Baker nor Mrs Rumbold knew very much about the complex debate that has been going on at least since Rousseau about progressive education , and that they did not realise that my Group would be strongly opposed to Mrs Thatcher 's views about grammar and rote-learning .
8 I suspect they did not realise that words such as ‘ grammar ’ or ‘ progressive ’ reflect very different meanings according to context , or that the language of educational discussion had changed radically since they were at school .
9 Because they had been told that research shows that the teaching of grammar restricts the imagination , imposing a strait-jacket of conventions , they did not realise that it all depends on what kind of grammar is taught and in what contexts .
10 Of course , this group at Ephesus must have heard something about the Holy Spirit if they listened at all attentively to John the Baptist , but they did not realise that the promised Spirit was available for them ; that he could make a difference to their lives .
11 The Lords held that the boys were guilty even though they did not realise that what they were doing might harm others .
12 Moreover , they did not stress that a high burden of taxation is inevitable with high unemployment and , thus , the burden will always be higher under Tories .
13 They did not allege that the Brigham Young University work had pirated any ideas from their own work . ’
14 they did not feel that they had made any substantial contribution to the report ;
15 They did not reflect that they were young , they did not know that they were beautiful .
16 They did not contest that they participated in the crime ring , but said they had no choice because of pressure from Chinese secret societies .
17 Sometimes Harriet wondered why they did not suggest that Liza brought the baby to see them , but then she thought of Lilian and knew the answer .
18 The affidavit evidence of the defendants is to the effect that they did not understand that executing a further charge was prohibited by the order .
19 they did not consider that the process had led to any improvement in resources ;
20 they did not consider that the process had led to any improvement fin resources ;
21 they did not consider that the process had led to changes of any note in the school ;
22 they did not consider that their governors would have learned much about the school from the report ;
23 they did not consider that there had been enough preliminary discussion in their school prior to the review .
24 They did not consider that this could be satisfactorily achieved by other means , such as non-statutory guid such as non-statutory guidelines .
25 They argued that they did not claim that the cassettes were genuine .
26 They did not happen that often — at least the meals happened , but not often with such unanimity of good humour .
27 They did not deny that the fundamental cure of the trade cycle was to stabilise demand , but they felt that the remedies suggested by the economists would be difficult to implement and would have undesirable side effects .
28 Cambridge English represented the former : Richards and Leavis wanted an evaluative criticism , because they did not believe that literature was simply a matter of disinterested individual response ; it was an index to the condition of civilization , which made judgements imperative .
29 They did not believe that the high rate of litigation was primarily the result of an excessive amount of crime or an unusually large number of valid civil disputes .
30 But , given the destructive power of modern weapons , they did not believe that civilization could be protected by war .
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