Example sentences of "they [am/are] [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They are under some degree of political control but they also need to have enough autonomy to carry out complex productive activity in an efficient way .
2 Althusser 's concept of the dialectic involves various levels of social formation that have a ‘ relative autonomy ’ , that is to say , they are to some degree self-determining .
3 Well if you take the the figures that It depends where they are to some extent .
4 They are for some reason most dreadfully at home in Paris — ‘
5 Erm and clearly you know they are of some use .
6 None the less , they are in some degree substitutes .
7 They are in some way dependent on physiological and physical conditions .
8 They will inevitably feel that it is their own fault — that they are in some way ‘ bad ’ or deserving of such treatment .
9 Are individuals psychologically disturbed because they are isolated or are they isolated because they are in some way disturbed ?
10 Are clinicians reluctant to put older people on surgical waiting lists because they are in some way discriminating against older people ?
11 Ministers who feel that they are in some way personally to blame , will normally resign , as for example Lord Carrington as Foreign Secretary following the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands and ministers such as John Profumo and Cecil Parkinson who were involved in personal scandals .
12 Or that they are in some way virtuous .
13 Even though we do n't have major problems with drug or solvent abuse in Northern Ireland , sudden changes in behaviour could mean they are in some kind of trouble .
14 We conclude that even though the algebraic and denotational semantics characterises exactly the same equivalence over occam , they are in some sense complementary .
15 Historians , of course , might feel at this point that they are in some sense losing control over what material is selected for future use ( Zweig 1992 : 181 ) .
16 They are in some desperation . )
17 These can not be explained simply in terms of shared descent ( as they were in some multicultural accounts of ethnicity ) or a shared socio-economic location and history ( as they are in some antiracist versions of ‘ the black experience ’ ) .
18 It originates as a MEWING sound in tiny kittens , letting their mother know that they need some kind of help or that they are in some sort of trouble .
19 We have to look at the range of ideals which are somehow clustered together to guide us , arrayed as they are in some sort of a rough priority system , and take out of its slot the unquestioned ideal ‘ be a man ’ .
20 They overlap but they 're to some extent slightly different criteria .
21 Oh er they 're for some job at Street , they 're wanting it for some job or other .
22 And I , it 's now ten days , they 're onto some scam , and erm , I 've , I had a letter from Marion erm , course , well to say they were no wiser and er she sent me some of the
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