Example sentences of "they [am/are] [verb] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 Thus while most of the blues-derived techniques I have mentioned appear to set the music in opposition to mainstream musical language ( including that of many contemporary pop songs ) , they are developed in such a way as to lay stress on individualistic virtuosity and personal expression , achieved through ‘ professional ’ mastery of instrumental technique ; and this could be seen as at least compatible with the traditions of bourgeois art .
2 This is the order in which they are analysed in this manual .
3 The current protocols on access to and inter-lending of theses in Britain were developed by SCONUL , and they are printed in each issue of Aslib 's Index to Theses .
4 In its publications , it claimed to be ‘ one of England 's Great Public Schools ’ ; it was ‘ the ‘ public school ’ of the sons of the poor , where , for a short time , they are trained in those qualities which make Public School boys so healthy , esprit de corps , obedience , humility , a sense of responsibility , honour and truthfulness ’ .
5 They are featured in all the books but , like Myxobolus .
6 And when they are listening in this way to check their theories they have a real purpose in listening .
7 Both uses can in French be covered by the same word ancien , but they are distinguished in that the separative use requires prenominal position , while the standard use has the adjective after the noun , as in : ( 43 ) l'ancienne école de Charlie a fait banqueroute ( 44 ) cette école ancienne a hébergé les fils des tyrans depuis des siècles The same distinction is also marked overtly in Thai ; in this case it is realized not by a difference of syntactic position , but by a different choice of lexical item .
8 There is no doubt that factors like these are important in what we may call the social ‘ life ’ of language , and they are implicated in many aspects of linguistic variation and change .
9 This is the lowest point of the local workings in the area and they are drained in this manner .
10 Because they are viewed in this light parents may respond with diffidence to those carrying out the assessment of their child and simply reflect back and reinforce professional perceptions .
11 If they are cut in half they will be easier for younger pupils to wield .
12 It is natural that they aspire to emulate their heroes when they are presented in this way .
13 If they are moved in that order then it would take twelve operations to move from a to b .
14 However , they are limited in that they create artificial contexts which may not provide a good basis for predicting performance in other settings .
15 When they are engaged in this ‘ bonding ’ act , that helps to cement their friendships , their necks twist towards one another and this causes vertical folds or furrows to be formed in their flesh .
16 The problem , however , was that although efficiency demanded that an inspector be experienced and the commissioners , Fullerton believed , would appoint his son if they were permitted , ‘ they are actuated in all these matters by the influence of the Earle of Isla , who often fills up these employments at London without any presentments ’ .
17 They are living in some slightly embarrassing suburb — the kind of suburb that has a dog track , and an immigrant problem .
18 They are wanting in all Protura .
19 They are shunned in any auspicious rites , especially marriage .
20 For example , psychedelic elements in the musical style — blurred or tinkly timbres , for instance — are typically interpreted as such by reference to a subculture of drug usage ; in other words they are defined in this way primarily because hippies said they should be .
21 Copyright protection , however , does not extend to ephemeral things such as skeletal plots for novels or ideas for computer programs unless and until they are recorded in some form or another and , even then , it is the ideas as expressed which are protected , not the underlying concepts .
22 However , if people challenge the basic principle of utility one can not say that they are mistaken in any kind of factual way , or that they are necessarily irrational .
23 They are enabled in this by the lack of language controls to describe offerings .
24 The introduction discusses theoretical and methodological perspectives on the history of crime , and explains some of the ways they are applied in this study .
25 This is because some tablets , especially those prescribed for deworming purposes , often have a nasty taste and may cause your dog to salivate if they are swallowed in this form .
26 It has been considered that the simultaneous presence of ultradian and daily rhythms suggests that they are related in some way and possibly all come from the same body clock .
27 Those two aspects mean that a small number of people can be members and they are held in some esteem .
28 They are helped in this by numerous addresses to women 's particular subjectivity in feminism outside psychology .
29 That type of putting back into a business context , is something which er we need to help the business come to terms with while they are growing in this new scheme of procuring work in a more formal and structured way .
30 It was the small firms who first spotted specialized market segments and exploited them , and they are encouraged in this by the ability to sub-contract most of the holiday provision to other operators .
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