Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb past] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They presumably put in train the arrangements for the necessary legislation , as on 27th April , Molesworth introduced a Bill to the House of Commons to enable the Government to acquire the land for the scheme .
2 The Mesozoic ginkgos were a varied and numerous group of plants , but unlike the spruces and pines they slowly declined in variety throughout the Tertiary .
3 While Sarah was trying to sort out the mess — they eventually married in May 1980 at St Mary 's church near Althorp — Diana was having fun .
4 In Nottingham he acquired a mistress , Susan Grey , an attractive and educated widow who accompanied the Wards ( he was now using Hannah 's name ) to London , where they eventually settled in Peckham .
5 He deduced that the nomadic Hebrews had their origins there and had brought no more than a handful of the place names with them when they eventually settled in Palestine .
6 They only fought in order to protect somebody else ( ‘ like one of the younger kids who 's getting smashed up ’ ) but were clearly very capable of making a good job of it .
7 It nearly killed them to acknowledge my existence and they only spoke in monosyllables when I was present , but the babble of sound which broke out every time I went out and closed the door behind me was enough to make me want to go rushing straight to Miss Malley to beg her to send me back to my friends .
8 I kept them to myself , where they constantly grew in depth and where they became merely a backdrop to my private obsession : home , family , school , everything .
9 They just hung in front of you , like lamps .
10 Oh , I , I can remember when fibreglass curtains first came out we bought some of those terrible things they just went in holes , you know if you touched them too much they just went in holes .
11 Oh , I , I can remember when fibreglass curtains first came out we bought some of those terrible things they just went in holes , you know if you touched them too much they just went in holes .
12 They just went in head first and was swallowed up in the road .
13 Nothing could be said and they just sat in silence enjoying each other 's company .
14 We could never do that with Argentine ponies : they just bolted in terror .
15 What they desperately sought in return was the score on Evenwood skipper P W Teesdale , the Big Bad Wolf of Durham County League cricket .
16 The hours burned by on the green screen , and when they finally flopped in Lucy 's living room , sipping brandy , a key turned in the lock and in came the charmingly dishevelled one and only son .
17 When they finally stood in front of him , they realized why he had not answered .
18 Preston 's preference for two wingers allowed Bay to clamp the midfield , and they soon set in motion a stream of direct attacks of surprising accuracy .
19 They always had in America that sort of er something er that against colonialism you see .
20 The words of the Spell picked just that moment to surface from the depths of his mind , as they always did in time of crisis .
21 Controlling the bureaucracy poses problems for all presidents and Ford was undeniably correct in arguing that presidents had been deprived of the sort of ‘ clout ’ they once had in matters of national security .
22 Red deer are ideal animals to be considered for such sustainable management , because they are already maintained by human intervention on open hill land , very different from the forest habitat which they once occupied in Scotland and still inhabit in the rest of Europe .
23 Perhaps they had more confidence in Mortimer as a commander than they ever had in Edward II : Mortimer held the lordship of Trim ( County Meath ) in right of his wife and although he had been defeated by Edward Bruce in Meath in December 1315 , he had shown some skill in restoring order in Ireland after the Bruce invasion .
24 They usually had in addition the right to gather firewood which could be collected without the use of an edged instrument , and in some cases the right to take housebote and haybote under the supervision of the foresters and verderers .
25 They usually occurred in clusters of two to five bursts over a six to 15 minute period ; 98% of the bursts occurred together with non-deglutitive phasic contractions of the lower oesophageal sphincter .
26 In London Whigs and Dissenters not only organised counter-demonstrations , where they burnt effigies of the Pope , the Pretender and Tory defectors , but they also engaged in vigilante activity , as they sought to suppress the activities of the Jacobite crowds .
27 Port Talbot had a large and vital steelworks , and moonlit nights almost always brought the Luftwaffe , but they also came in daylight .
28 They also had in mind that the platform could be removed , leaving the warehouse in substantially the same state as it was before it was installed .
29 They also possessed in skipper Gerrie Mans a nuggety customer blessed withe a wicked turn of pace .
30 On the joint initiative of France and West Germany , they also set in motion a process expected to lead by the end of 1990 to the holding of an intergovernmental conference on EC political union .
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