Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb past] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Together they successfully masterminded the acquisition and distribution of British and American hard currency , with which they bought Croatian fodder to feed the Swiss cows donated to Austria which then provided free milk .
2 In August 1980 they successfully tested the conversion on a private railway in Somerset .
3 Creeping around from hangar to hangar and dodging patrolling sentries they successfully ensured the destruction of several more aircraft , brand-new crated engines and machinery .
4 Looking down at the river , she could see that the level had dropped , uncovering lines of bricks on the wall beneath them that looked as if they rarely saw the sun .
5 They rarely saw the ground , only snatches of lakes or wooded countryside appearing through the rare break in the stratus cloud .
6 In addition , they rarely had the opportunity to escape their environment for they were rarely educated beyond the age of fourteen , the statutory minimum age established by the Fisher Education Act of 1918 .
7 For instance , they rarely used the word ‘ rape ’ in 1951 , only the horrible euphemism — ‘ carnal knowledge ’ of a woman .
8 Gradually as they were arguing they began to realize that they rather liked the American .
9 They duly processed the information and despatched warning letters stating that offenders had five days to make a payment arrangement — with a 10 per cent surcharge — before a court order , a summary warrant , was activated .
10 They duly unveiled the initiative last week , but the only name they were able to add to their own was that of Sun Microsystems Computer Corp .
11 Maggie 's heart was suddenly thumping as they slowly left the floor .
12 To Willie 's relief , they eventually reached the safety of the gate at the other end of the field .
13 They eventually got the message after about 30 minutes that we were not prepared to bribe them with anything and let us through to the Romanian side .
14 At least half a dozen six-figure offers for Jodami have been rejected , and Beaumont said : ‘ They eventually got the message he was not on the market .
15 The battle raged throughout the moon-bright night and although the Scots were heavily outnumbered , they eventually won the day ; however , during the fight , Douglas was brought to the ground by three spear wounds .
16 She went to Morrocco with Roger 's wife Elizabeth where they eventually found the body .
17 Added to the Right-On readers , they effectively expanded the core group and provided a viable number of buyers .
18 The sapling trees had grown tall in the twenty-five years since the Beeching axe had fallen on the single railway track , and , even leafless as they were , they effectively screened the view from the top .
19 This explains the dramatic Demarche of President Mitterrand and Chancellor Kohl in April , when they effectively bounced the rest of the EC into a much more urgent timetable for political union , aiming for full implementation in two and a half years .
20 Three police cars were damaged as they effectively rammed the metro and brought it to a stop .
21 At the moment they only had the word of Nicola 's husband for what had happened .
22 It incorporated a Spanish proposal whereby EC citizens would be allowed to reside anywhere in the EC ( currently they only had the right to work throughout the EC ) and to vote in local and EC elections .
23 Oh I do n't think , they only had the telly .
24 They only discovered the grenade because she had n't done a deal properly .
25 They admitted they were told on Saturday that Timothy had not returned from a 250-mile trip from Tilbury in Essex — but they only found the lorry on Monday morning .
26 Many students told me that they only joined the League because it was the correct thing to do at middle school and at university they maintained their membership for the social functions the League organised , such as outings and dances .
27 They eagerly scanned the horizon where they had last seen the car disappear .
28 Mr Brownlow then left the room with the doctor , and they eagerly discussed the news of the hunt for the criminals .
29 They rightly identified the link between the reactionary , repressive nature of the regime and the plight of the peasantry .
30 They so enjoyed the experience that they now do a screen of their own .
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