Example sentences of "they [was/were] [adv] used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though 45 stunt people were employed in Batman and they were heavily used in the final rooftop battle , it is a dummy that takes the Joker 's final long fall from the roof of Gotham City cathedral , possibly enhanced by a rotoscope artist who put in the diminishing image frame by frame .
2 They were principally used on board ship to measure its speed by counting the number of knots paid out on a line tied to a log floating astern , while the sand-glass measured a given time that was usually half a minute .
3 They were also , since they were increasingly used by a small but important educated public , a link between diplomacy and the wider social world in which it operated .
4 Throughout the War they retained their cream livery , when the rest of the fleet was green , and when the War ended they were again used on the Promenade as specials .
5 As they lie smoothly on top of one another , they were also used for the principal retaining walk around the lawn .
6 They were also used for timing the length of sailors ’ watches .
7 For a half a century from the 1840s , Shorthorn bulls from Britain and Dutch Black Pied bulls were used to improve local red and red-pied cattle in central and southern Belgium ; they were also used on the black-and-white Charleroi ( which also had some Charolais influence later ) .
8 Their recovery from graves shows that they were used as personal ornaments , but the discovery of large numbers in the peat bogs , sometimes enclosed in eared flasks , suggests that they were also used as votive offerings , a sign which suggests in itself that amber was regarded as precious enough to serve as conspicuous waste .
9 They were also used in hydraulic systems because they did not react with the materials used in the pipes and pistons .
10 They were spoken in those parts of the country that had been massively subject to Scandinavian settlement in the late OE period , and they were subsequently used in areas where the elite language became Norman French .
11 The galleries of Cumbria , so frequently referred to as ‘ Spinning Galleries ’ , could better be called ‘ Wool Galleries ’ , for they were mainly used for fleece , wool , yarn and cloth in many stages of storing , preparation and drying .
12 They are like small chambers ; they were once used by pirates , only His Grace , the late King , cleared them out with fire , sword , and gallows .
13 There have been natural caverns or fissures discovered under Stamford , but there is no evidence to suggest they were ever used by man .
14 They were undoubtedly used by the employers , and the strike was seized as a chance to bring them in — but it should be firmly stated here , since it is usually glossed over , that the damage to the strikers " cause was not for the first time , the result of actions by other men .
15 There is no evidence that pearls were sought or used as precious substances before the emergence of civilized states , and when pearls were adopted they were commonly used in jewellery together with precious stones .
16 Though they were much used in Baroque times for aria accompaniment , they have largely fallen out of use , and as the chaconne construction is an art and study in itself we can make no more than a passing mention here .
17 They were often used for one or another of the Sheikh families , or for some accident victim who could not get to a specialist hospital in any other way .
18 From time to time he may be able to supplement his hoard with pieces of fine scribal work culled from early printed books , where they were often used by printers to serve the menial office of strengthening hinges or even acting as a paste-down .
19 They were chiefly used by women but also by doctors and clergymen who had to go out in all weathers .
20 If all the chambers were as long as this , or if they were only used by people who had gone down deep into them , then his search would take months .
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