Example sentences of "they [was/were] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 You see the i it was er we used to make curtains then for Littlewoods , Littlewoods as it is now , they 're still , you know , the they were about the forerunners of the er tt this er catalogue business , and if they gave us an order that would last us a long time , and that usually the eight points , which was meant to say there were eight threads to an inch .
2 Ah , somebody was oh they were with the gyppos or something .
3 Of course , it was useful to both Romania and China to let Moscow know how deeply involved they were with the Americans , because such knowledge could deter Moscow from interfering in their internal affairs .
4 She opened her mouth to say they were with the police , but abruptly changed her mind .
5 Rather , they were with the events of August 1968 and , in particular , with the self-immolation of the young philosophy student , Jan Palach , in January 1969 .
6 They were on the ramparts with you during the battle .
7 And then all the , all the little children , some of them with very serious illnesses , but seeing how brave they were on the wards , it was a very moving six months .
8 They were on the backs of my hands and even on the soles of my feet .
9 Williams team management said they were on the protestors ' side .
10 The titles of both episodes are also confused in the way they were on the Police Squad TV series .
11 They were on the stairs again before Lizzie spoke , when she said , ‘ He 'll ruin her if you 're not careful .
12 The two slaves moved jerkily , as if they were at the ends of strings .
13 Accuracy of language was crucial when your life was at risk and each use of ‘ Loyalist ’ , when applied to the Protestant equivalents of the IRA , had been to Trent , a Catholic himself by birth , an insult to the Catholic community of whom the vast majority were as opposed to the evils of terrorism as they were to the injustices of long-practised prejudice on which Irish terrorism bred .
14 In a rather odd way , 19th-century public schools were just as ideally suited for the fathers of gentlemen as they were for the sons of gentlemen .
15 He guessed they were for the morals group , since neither he nor Mrs Frizzell ever really read a book , and he put them down again , still mystified .
16 Oh no do n't do it with spit , saliva that you 're spitting to the boots you have to have water buckets of water and polish to do it I and they were up the stairs doing the boots on the grey carpet in the back bedroom and they had newspaper down
17 They were under no illusions that they could do a better job from Detroit , but they had become increasingly concerned that they were getting out of touch with what was happening around the world , and that the tail was beginning to wag the dog .
18 They were under no illusions .
19 They were very conservative in their political outlook and wanted things to remain exactly as they were under the Romans .
20 Once they were outside the grounds , the thieves dumped one vehicle and used another to make their get-away , with the cream coloured caravan in tow .
21 They followed the porter along the serpentine path , then suddenly they were through the trees and into a glade ringed by clumps of trees , silent except for the gurgle of a small brook as it splashed down some rocks which thrust up out of the ground like the finger of a buried giant .
22 On the 17th they were past the mountains .
23 There followed a time of uncertainty but , it had been ‘ business as usual ’ at Alton General , with staff ‘ making do ’ and ‘ covering up the cracks ’ in their efforts to provide an atmosphere of peace and calm , however hard worked they were behind the scenes .
24 They were near the ports where the tin was imported .
25 Then they were amongst the conifers near the road , a smell of resin and dead bracken , twigs catching their legs .
26 How could a sovereign who reigned by the will of the people resist totally such overt manifestations — confirmed as they were by the reports of similar sentiments being expressed the length and breadth of France ?
27 But what was suddenly seen as extraordinary was that the supernatural , the miraculous , and certain doctrines were just as present in the layers now believed to be the earliest as they were in the layers believed to be later .
28 Not like they were in the dreams he had had recently , where they could torment him without his being able to retaliate .
29 They were in the suburbs and she replied that she would prefer the Royal Avenue Hotel in the centre of the city .
30 They were in the cottages . ’
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