Example sentences of "they [vb infin] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Or should they hang on in the hope that these assets will soon be worth serious money ?
2 Rolling bream are not frightened bream , nor do they hang around in the swim if they 've been spooked by an escaping fish .
3 No more did they do so in the Black Country 's nail-making trade , where the family 's output depended upon women as well as men working at the anvil .
4 What would they do out of the second pizza ?
5 Do they integrate well with the text or a dialogue ?
6 These lesser varieties are not widely planted , nor do they contribute significantly to the quality and reputation of Champagne as we know it today , but they exist and do possess a certain curiosity value and are therefore dealt with in this chapter . .
7 Might they blow on to the house ?
8 How often did they stray closer to the plant than they should , especially given its stark attraction as the only prominent feature in an otherwise flat coastline ?
9 How do they go on in the senior school .
10 Yes , would they go back to the same position , quite right Sarah
11 No longer need they go out into the wilderness and create a village or a hamlet to house their labour .
12 That 's right , well why ca n't they go out beside the medical centre , again ?
13 Or since these desirable states can be put into words , do they belong only to the left hemisphere ? .
14 ‘ How did they get on with the Zosers ?
15 but it looked black from up there , so I er opened the window and rattled the venetian blind and I thought you 'd 've heard that erm and it shot out there , whether it went underneath the gate , can they get through under the gate ?
16 Why could n't they get down to the important stuff right away ?
17 Do they operate independently of the economic and material circumstances in which individuals are placed ?
18 So why do they put up with the real foreigners ?
19 Did they come round with the mike ?
20 Nor did they come about through the falsification of bold conjectures and the continual replacement of one bold conjecture by another .
21 Many experts are now asking : ‘ Did they come in for the kill a little too early ? ’
22 But did they talk headily around the conference table ?
23 Nor did they differ essentially from the principles contained in Brezhnev 's 1969 proposal on Asian collective security .
24 If this is true , then why do n't they roll right at the surface like 80 per cent of other bream ?
25 The other thing is I need er we need to monitor the source of er informations reg information regarding the cordless phone promotion so I 've devised a form which I 'll get faxed yeah in other words , where did they find out about the promotion .
26 ‘ Must they lie there in the rain ? ’
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