Example sentences of "they [vb mod] take the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nicknames assumed ( and still assume ) many forms — they can be logical or illogical — some describing physical peculiarities , others mental or moral qualities ; they may take the form of animal names , being thus descriptive of appearance or disposition .
2 Elementals often appear as a moving light or a change in temperature , or they may take the form of an animal or bird and make it behave oddly for a period of time .
3 They may take the form of disrupted relationships or the more obvious one of problematic or bizarre sexual behaviour .
4 But the Hintons , deluged with complaining phone calls and threts of legal action from customers say they must take the matter further
5 When they 'd heard that name , they knew they must take the place .
6 They should take the opportunity to re-state ( without condemnation ) the Christian principle of permanence in married love , the possibilities of achieving it , with a firm indication of the social evils that issue from its abandonment .
7 ‘ But they should take the edge off the pain .
8 Surely , if a Member of Parliament takes a G M B sponsorship they should take the whip that we give and follow our rules and not go against us by going by constituent .
9 The authority to issue cattle vouchers enhanced the power and status of a headman , but many of those assigned to this task could not see why they should take the trouble to inquire into the origins of the cattle concerned .
10 They should not take the attitude that ‘ risk management is someone else 's business ’ ; rather , they should take the initiative .
11 ‘ If history is not to be repeated , they should take the lead now and not merely be content to wait and see what might happen . ’
12 The bad normative applications of evolutionary theory to ethics which were made by Spencer and others also , of course , involved a lot of bad evolutionary theory : if normative lessons could be drawn from Darwinian theory , there is certainly no reason why they should take the form suggested by Social Darwinists .
13 but the er , at the joint meeting of course they 're all a bit subdued , cos they 're coming onto to well what 'll happened , cos I 've work up there , they 're much more gregarious than the bloke down here , so they 'll take the stuff out of especially when , so we 'll be doing it .
14 If you stare them down , they 'll take the challenge .
15 Er they have well just the same as er some of these weight reducers. they 'll take the weight down but look at the side effects .
16 Er erm July , er June is erm , according to Chris 's seasonality figures , normally about erm twelve percent higher than the mean , erm so if they 'll take the mean at about , at being about three hundred and fifty , you know we 're looking at a figure of somewhere just over four hundred for July , as opposed to last July which was erm I think five er four hundred and ninety four complaints in the month , so it 's very unlikely that that output figure will continue going up next month .
17 The cars get ripped off , if they park they 'll take the car .
18 For example , in the laboratory , experimental subjects might be asked to role-play in hypothetical future situations , in order to discover under what types of circumstance they might Take the Role of the Other .
19 When the parade finally came to an end , Sergeant-Major Philpott congratulated them all and before dismissing the parade told the troops they could take the rest of the day off , but they must return to barracks and be tucked up in bed before midnight .
20 They could discharge the case if they were convinced that there were no grounds by the disputing party , or they could take the case to the Sheriff Court for a proof hearing .
21 Perhaps it would even go to the faculty building when he retired , and they could take the world trip he dreamed of .
22 The chances are it was something like four to six weeks , if they could take the time off from household chores .
23 From now on the locals would do what they were told to do by Detroit , and if they did n't like it they could take the option of either getting out of their own free will , or being booted out .
24 By degrees the British came to dominate this trade , partly because they were so committed to sugar that they were bound to make large purchases of slaves on their own account , partly because their increasingly dominant position at sea meant that they could take the place of the Dutch as general suppliers of slaves for planters in other European colonies who wanted to buy them .
25 They could involve matching a variety of situations or uses to a list of products or a list of items using those products ; they could involve putting the benefits of the product in order of merit or they could take the form of a question and answer quiz with specified answers from which to choose .
26 They 'd take the mickey out of him at school for that .
27 Every so often they 'd come down and they 'd take the bung out and put more water in .
28 If she did n't manage they 'd take the baby away , and then everything would be wasted .
29 Well they tie so much up today , you see , where years ago they 'd keep cutting from it , you see , and people were n't so particular , they 'd take the lump as it was .
30 And they used to take the gin and these pills and you know .
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