Example sentences of "they [vb base] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That is another way of saying he wants his team to win , because they remain only a point clear , although after tonight they will still have a match in hand .
2 What distinguishes the series of Criminal Justice Acts is the comprehensiveness with which they bring together a range of generally disparate proposals , originating from different sources , bearing on the content of the criminal law , the powers and procedure of the courts , and the treatment ( in the widest sense ) of offenders .
3 They bring together a range of information not otherwise collected .
4 They cite instead a report by representatives of Ramsar , the international wetlands convention , which warns that extensive mining would be sure to cause irreparable damage to the area .
5 Is the first offer that they make simply an opening shot ?
6 Drug-users sharing needles contaminated with HIV are likely to be infected within less than five years if they inject once a week , and within three months if injecting 20 times a week .
7 They feel a bit beleaguered here , and they cause quite a sensation when they walk about in the streets with their long hair ( the men , I mean ! ) .
8 They cost just a pound a copy to produce , so why do we pay so much for them in the shops ?
9 Brazil will fill Wembley next March and if they show just a fraction more ambition near goal it will be a night to remember .
10 By 1978 British Rail and the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français ( SNC ) had started planning a single track rail tunnel for through rail services , commonly known as the Mousehole , and they put forward a plan to the governments in 1979 .
11 They put forward a number of suggestions .
12 They are alleged to send the ball further but I 'm not sure that they put even a yard on a shot .
13 They put together a group of people like Take That ! , who did n't even know each other until they formed — not that I 'm knocking them , because they 've got more front than we have — but it 's not going to work unless it 's real , ’ gripes Tony .
14 But company executives accept that there must have been a leak as they put together a financing package to back their bid for Dixons .
15 They lie there a minute , looking up at the ceiling .
16 I like Marshalls in the studio if a heavy sound is called for , but I find they vary quite a lot .
17 They meet once a year , you know , to a kind of get together for
18 What happens when it burns or explodes , so the okay , the potassium nitrate and the carbon and the sulphur burn and they give quite a bit of er C O two .
19 They present both a problem and a challenge ; for any theory which overcame them would vindicate a form of holistic social explanation of a power hitherto unaccepted .
20 They set aside a room for Howard to work in , when he 's not labouring outside with an axe or a scythe .
21 Apparently they get quite a charge our of Viz 's thick-headed puns and lame sexual and excremental allusions which , when they were first heard in burlesque halls a hundred years ago , were already ancient .
22 No doubt some bolt-protected routes have valuable qualities , but in general , particularly in the easier grades , they offer merely a form of fool 's gold .
23 Even those who dissent are required to act as if they agree once a course of action has been decided upon , and if there is blame , it is shared by all . ’
24 They do quite a lot of stuff in there .
25 We are publicized anyway by Eurostep and they do quite a lot of publicity — how effective their publicity is I do n't know , but we our publicity is as a back up to existing publicity .
26 It 's too much of a journey ai n't it , they do quite an amount there I think still
27 Rhodes ( 1981 , p. 17 ) observes that ‘ although central government has an impressive list of controls at its disposal they constitute only a potential for control ’ .
28 This is despite the fact that they carry only a minority of the 13 stigmata of weediness .
29 Yeah they come they come once a week do n't they ?
30 Well they achieve quite a lot .
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