Example sentences of "they [vb base] [pron] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 What people think of the media in general and each medium in particular and the role or roles they perceive them to play in their lives and in society are important preliminary considerations which have to be studied .
2 They want me to join in the whole furore .
3 er they want them to stay in England
4 They 'll never foreclose , because they want you to die in debt .
5 I mean if they especially if they want you to do in the , the championship 's , they , you got the league and then they play er , a knock out competition do n't they ?
6 They say they dance in the sky at a carnival at the end of the world — have you seen them ? ’
7 Believing , as fervently as they say they believe in their Almighty , that money can make up for anything , even bad taste and bad manners .
8 He was , he was , th they they took him , they chained him up , and they let him loose in the local cemetery , and left him there .
9 In so doing , they imagine themselves set in diametrical opposition to their society where in fact they have unwittingly accepted its crucial structural elements . ’
10 Experts say it 's vital they prevent it happening in the future .
11 In common with other facilities of LIFESPAN , SPRs and SSRs are retained in magnetic form for as long as the objects to which they refer themselves exist in magnetic form .
12 When they wake they dress in the loosest clothes ,
13 After five year 's research , the USGs geologists reckon they know what happened in California .
14 How do you think they feel they live in a place
15 Like many carnivores , Killers seem to be adaptable , taking whatever prey is available and are not averse to salmon if they find them massing in an estuary prior to spawning .
16 They find themselves cover in secluded areas , adopting a temporary home which they may use on a number of occasions .
17 After the humiliating training they find themselves participating in a war they neither care about nor understand .
18 They find themselves indulging in crisis management and employing stopgap solutions and holding operations .
19 They allow them to live in the communikty and report to police daily or weekly
20 and er , I say oh , and they allow you to go in this cold weather
21 Or , at most , they allow you to plug in your own cassette tape-recorder , but that 's a very slow and not very erm professional way of looking after for example your customer records .
22 In this context , the term inquisitorial seems to mean that chairs feel they have the freedom to investigate cases and elicit the information they think they need in order to get to the truth of the situation , rather than to choose between competing arguments .
23 ‘ And they think we live in mushrooms , ’ Grimma finished .
24 They do n't actually know I 'm an artist , they think I work in a factory or something .
25 They do n't actually know I 'm an artist , they think I work in a factory or something .
26 Then on a Sunday night , the village , what they call wakes , they call them wakes in those days , not the village fair , it was the wakes .
27 The acid fragrance upsets their delicate nasal passages and they avoid anything smeared in it for long periods of time .
28 I am afraid the latter-day Pop artists think of themselves as being a culmination of the expression of cultural realism and they regard what happened in the Sixties as a primitive expression of their more developed ideas , which seems to me far from the truth .
29 So they have they have in fact embarked on a course which now lets these newspapers really deliver them up on a plate I mean they can fry them , they can bake them , they can grill them , they can roast them because they 've put themselves in a position where they now deserve the criticism and the level of imagery which they 're getting .
30 The younger your child is the less able they are to remember what happened even a few days ago , so they need you to keep in touch with them .
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