Example sentences of "they [vb past] me back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They drove me back to the Ministry , where I was questioned by an officer I 'd never seen before , a colonel .
2 I read them and cried as they took me back through time , down the long bloody passageways of the last seventy-five years .
3 Joe recalls : ‘ When it was all over they took me back to the room , chained me up , and that was the very last I ever heard of it .
4 The Men came for me where I huddled in the marram grass and they took me back to the low cage .
5 They took me back to London that night , and looked after me carefully all the next day , so that , although my arm was still aching , and I felt very weak , I was fit enough for the planned journey on Wednesday .
6 They took me back to Edinburgh , and people in the streets screamed at me : ‘ Kill the woman !
7 I tended the wounds of one of their men and they took me back with them into the great Forest of Ettrick . ’
8 They carried me back to England in the middle of July .
9 The flowers that I had still been clutching when they carried me back to the house had been prised from my fingers and left in a plastic bag on top of the fridge .
10 With more shrieks , they pushed me back towards Gharr and Mala , who were laughing boisterously .
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