Example sentences of "they [vb past] [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 They became so engrossed in their chattering , that they did not notice a customer who came up behind them .
2 Like Maurice , with whom they had some affinities , Nevin and Schaff had a horror of party-spirit and sectarianism , and also of the individualism they found deeply entrenched in much American Protestantism , especially in the revivalist movements which came more and more to the fore through the nineteenth century .
3 They 'd both jacked in their jobs ( he 's a computer programmer ; she 's a physiotherapist ) and were planning to backpack round the world for a few months .
4 And I mean if they 'd not looked in a paper in nineteen eighty seven eighty eight , and realized that fifteen percent of the fund had suddenly gone missing cos it had you know dropped they they 'd have still got income from their investments , and if they did n't need to cash it , then it would have been no problem at all .
5 You mean to say er i , they 'd only lived in Bournemouth do n't you ?
6 A cool breeze drifted through the open window , carrying with it the sound of water trickling softly from the old stone fountain they 'd painstakingly renovated in the inner courtyard .
7 I suppose they 'd all gone in half a minute but it seemed an eternity of fascination and fear to a cringing youth .
8 Some novelty value because he was the first Russian they 'd ever had in the car , but that was all .
9 And this Mr was so taken aback , by me going in and asking for a job , and they 'd always advertised in the paper before , that he said , Well , she must want work if she 's gone after it .
10 Nobody had wanted to be regularly policed as people were abroad , preferring to leave it to the magistrates to swear in special constables as they 'd always done in times of civil disturbance , or use the troops .
11 Aunt Tossie and Andrew were sitting together , an empty bottle and one half empty , between them they looked inordinately distinguished in their black clothes .
12 And there was always hope that the Westward family would see her one day as an elegant lady and be sorry they had n't kept in touch with the child who was after all their own flesh and blood .
13 They had n't come in yet so I started getting some food ready and tried to make up my mind what to tell Rick .
14 Well no they were n't really , they were n't they had n't worked in the quarry like like us .
15 They were then asked to recall the story they had just seen in either sign ( deaf and bilinguals ) or in speech ( hearing people ) .
16 Only with the development of factions and the growth of the party system did it come about that monarchs found themselves confronted , in Cabinet , by Ministers presenting a united front on matters on which they had previously deliberated in the absence of the monarch .
17 And I instanced Bob Geldof as someone whose commitment to the problem of hunger had certainly got things done , and inspired millions of people to see ( even if only transiently ) that they could make a contribution to a problem that they had previously held in their minds , albeit not very consciously , as ‘ not mine ’ and ‘ hopeless ’ .
18 When on 5 September the Lords Lieutenant of the four most northerly counties were ordered to make their respective militias ready for immediate service , it emerged that neither Northumberland nor Durham had been reimbursed by central government for the money they had previously spent in keeping the force mustered , while the authorities in Cumberland admitted candidly : ‘ T is so long since the militia was raised that we are apprehensive the arms are either lost or in bad order . ’
19 The urban poor tried valiantly to give to their dead a dignity they had scarcely known in life ; but the attempt often proved unavailing .
20 Supper was as lavish as they had yet had in Scotland : ‘ A large dish of minced beef collops , a large dish of fricassee of fowl , I believe a dish called fried chicken or something like it , a dish of ham or tongue , some excellent haddocks , some herrings , a large bowl of rich milk , frothed , as good a bread-pudding as I ever tasted , full of raisin and lemon or orange peel , and sillabubs made with port wine and in sillabub glasses .
21 It turned out that they had instead invested in an airline which never took off , a college that had no students , and a luxury yacht .
22 He had meant to point out to John le Grant that they had both engaged in extremely rough play at Trebizond , and if he chose to carry out another war contract , he was not doing it blindfold .
23 They had both served in the armed forces , and Nathan had been disabled as a result .
24 They had both stopped in front of a rack of old-fashioned saucy seaside postcards : puny little men with worried expressions and legs like sticks versus huge , menacing women built like battleships with backsides and bosoms straining against their frocks like over-inflated balloons .
25 Mutual jealousy , particularly concerning affairs they had both held in the past ( 4 years ) .
26 Fiercely anti-Vichy , Ika 's family had considered it patriotic to have duplicate ration-books ; these they had conveniently retained in a post-Vichy world , and so they wanted for little .
27 Overcrowding , insanitary conditions and inadequate services ( particularly medical , educational and cultural ) , together with the accompanying problems of health risks and rising crime rates , began to make their appearance in Spanish cities in the 1950s , just as they had already appeared in large connurbations elsewhere in the world .
28 remain in Japan even after the Peace Treaty , since the Japanese police were too few and their armament inadequate to maintain public order should the Communists attempt an offensive in Asia as they had already done in Europe .
29 They had already sent in a force of specially trained jungle fighters to hunt the guerrillas .
30 The Confait Case ( 1977 ) illustrated how innocent suspects could be pressurised into confessing to something they had not done in the face of sophisticated techniques of interrogation and rather less sophisticated threats .
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