Example sentences of "they [modal v] get their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In other words they must get their act together and sell the R.L.P.O. to their loyal audience .
2 But they 'll , they 'll get their money tout suite .
3 But they 'll get their money .
4 So I said we 'll get out tickets and they 'll get their tickets tomorrow , we 're gon na get our tickets separately .
5 At least er , they 'll get their Christmas over here .
6 These are the contenders , the hardy perennials of quality skiing for discerning Brits , the so-called top resorts which tour operators will tell you they could sell twenty times over if only they could get their mitts on more beds .
7 Women who told me that their partners accused them of using tears to manipulate them agreed that there were times when they deliberately wept , but said that it was often the only way they could get their partner 's attention .
8 Some of the crew were against this because they thought they 'd get their watches stolen ( I ask you ) and some in favour so that they could get a closer look at the women ( I ask you ) .
9 But they were some well on , lo and behold , could open the door er two or three minutes late and c er call the er number , Yes sir , er as they entered the class and they would get their mark , this being I think you got a red mark if you were late , t to stand out so that an inspector who came down periodically could look down the register and there was the record of who was early and who was late by the colour of the ink-pens , I think .
10 And sometimes it would be a good of water you see , and they would get their feet wet .
11 As long as they passed the necessary assessments for each course , they would get their degree at the end of three years .
12 Er and if if they would work they did n't want money for it but they would stay a while with you so that they would get their bed for the night and they would get their grub .
13 Er and if if they would work they did n't want money for it but they would stay a while with you so that they would get their bed for the night and they would get their grub .
14 ‘ If they have what it takes , then they will get their chance early .
15 I 'm not surprised that Mr is happy to propose it because in fact it actually means that the status quo will in fact be cemented that that the situation that we 've been faced with will in fact be enshrined and supported by the council and and the Labour party have been consistently advocating that really a and they will get their way if this motion is passed .
16 Will my right hon. Friend , in his role as David against the EC Goliath , do his best to increase the grants available to farmers , so that , if they practise green policies , they will get their rewards ?
17 Despite both Arsenal and West Ham 's schemes being underwritten so they will get their money in the form of a loan even if their supporters turn them down , the ill-will towards the schemes means other clubs will think hard about implementation .
18 Gambling has been banned but proposals to ensure Muslims do not drink have been relaxed , and the 5% of the state 's population who are Chinese have been reassured that they will get their Tiger beer .
19 They will get their hands on Campbell this week anyway and still have a match winner in Knell .
20 As soon as they can get their head and shoulders through , they 're in ! double glazing conservatories is one of the best deterrents .
21 They can get their friends interested
22 ‘ Otherwise , ’ an authoritative hand had inscribed , in Biro , below , ‘ they can get their paws ripped off . ’
23 We maximise sponsor benefits in all media so that they can get their name all over the country .
24 IT was common knowledge the come the new law changes they would almost certainly include the experimental decision to award the put-in following a maul going nowhere to the defending side , so why are we getting so many whingers making their thoughts known whenever they can get their name in print .
25 At least now they can get their act together .
26 They develop into large bulky plants , so should be planted by the middle or end of July so they can get their roots down and put on weight before autumn .
27 Adult anglers in Germany must take evening classes and pass a multiple choice test before they can get their rod licence .
28 The Great Lakes area , for instance , is infested with zebra mussels , which stick to anything they can get their suckers on , while certain waters in the Gulf of Mexico suffer from clinging sea grasses .
29 And some bidders are expected to buy 2 tractors , so they can get their collection off to a good start .
30 Be wary also of shops flogging any old trainers they can get their hands on .
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