Example sentences of "they [modal v] have [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously he was worried lest they may have sustained some damage by coming into contact with my nasty hard ribs .
2 But his reservations outweigh his praise : ‘ They may have done some good in creating interest in two people who 've made major innovations in twentieth-century music , but they 've also given a negative impression : that the people involved in this music have serious flaws in their personalities .
3 They may have seen some dangers in Methodism which were not in fact there .
4 They may have received some college training , participated in in-service training provided by government agencies or employers , or received no specific training for their jobs .
5 That they may have obtained some of their supplies of ivory from that quarter is suggested by finds of this material at the intermediate entrepot of Bahrain .
6 Even on ‘ Brad ’ — not the most excitable jockey — they may have recorded some memorable figures .
7 So they may have planted some more damning ‘ evidence ’ somewhere in my flat .
8 They may have had some basis in reality because bones of a large primate 3.5 metres tall and weighing 800 pounds , found in caves in southern China , date back to over 300,000 years ago at the time Homo Erectus was still alive .
9 These may have been used for normal , secular water supply , or they may have had some cult use .
10 It is a defensible pattern in what might be called ‘ low-theory ’ fields , where people can learn to practise in some way and with some success without any theoretical preparation for what they are doing , although they may have had some relevant training at a lower level .
11 Er they may have had some inkling , but you know they might have applied for a timings , you know it suddenly comes .
12 They may have had some children .
13 All of a sudden our theories looked as though they may have had some foundation .
14 Treasury should be followed , but they may have taken that view precisely because , so far as B was concerned , it was a case of questions being put to a person who had been charged .
15 However much they may have disliked such labels they were unavoidable as the dramatic jump in their lifestyle was to have an equally powerful , and highly visible , effect on the company .
16 The presence of the therapist can encourage partners to express their anxieties , needs , and wishes to each other , whereas previously they may have found this extremely difficult or even impossible .
17 They may have acquired this caution by observational learning — watching other monkeys trying to eat these insects and seeing the way they reacted to the prey 's ‘ chemical warfare ’ — or they may have evolved an inborn reaction towards bright patterns , enabling them to avoid such species from birth without any learning process , or they may have learned caution the hard way , by personal experience .
18 During or after such courses they may have acquired some additional external diplomas in organ-playing conducting , harmony and counterpoint .
19 Alternatively , they may have experienced some risk , but only the lower levels which characterize the flat lower part of the relationship shown in Figure 3.3 .
20 They must 've missed that one .
21 People were still walking up the drive , and one or two were beginning to walk back down it : they must 've had enough of visiting for today , like me .
22 They , they must have existed these characters
23 It is said for the appellants that the decisions of Home Office ministers fixing their tariff periods were irrational , in public law terms , because they must have exceeded those recommended by the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice .
24 They must have endured many hardships to keep going out here . ’
25 Oh they must have done that then , the meters were in a room outside you see .
26 Let's have a look at this , er well they 'd supposedly done weightlifting they 've made , they 've made a few er , they 've seemed to have done some alterations on it so they must have done that one , er wheelchair slalom
27 They must have done this for at least ten minutes .
28 They must have done some good ( Cipolla points out that their principles were the same as those of the great 19th-century sanitary reformers such as Sir Edwin Chadwick ) , and yet there seems to be no way of telling from the surviving evidence whether lives were saved as a result .
29 They must have done some in Britain . ’
30 They must have had such a pleasing approach to Raasay House ; the bay of their arrival seems unlikely to have changed , a wide and gentle place , now full of windsurfers — the mansion where they stayed now houses an Adventure School .
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