Example sentences of "they [modal v] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The members of a governing body may in their turn delegate most of these responsibilities to the head teacher , or they may choose to discharge them themselves .
2 Members of the parliament demanded in a 135-34 vote that Mr Yeltsin appear at the Congress tomorrow , when they may vote to remove him from office for declaring emergency rule and calling an April referendum .
3 But logical or not , the 5TH is certainly complicated — as the most respectable of its apologists admit , though they may prefer to call it " sophisticated " and will refrain from giving a full and candid account of the intricacies of its operation .
4 Well they may want to lead it themselves and actually
5 With smaller firms , you may be near enough to visit the factory , or they may offer to put you in touch with some of their customers in your area .
6 After the planning committee has considered the planning application they may decide to approve it , refuse it , or approve it subject to certain conditions .
7 He imparts it so generously to his readers that they may wish to follow him themselves .
8 They may try to nail it on the perch again but nobody will believe it is still alive .
9 He told TV 's Panorama : ‘ They may try to nail it on to the perch again but nobody will believe it 's still alive . ’
10 There is no point in complaining ; they may try to mollify you in their irritatingly good English , but they will not have a clue what you are so anxious about .
11 In another sense they may seem to know them too little , to be too little able to see them in relation to other , contemporary , young people : as much chance of a fair assessment from a family as from a school .
12 Try some of the exercises which follow ; they may seem to make you slower at first , but not only will your speed increase as you get used to them , you may begin to look at problems in a different way .
13 It may , may be in the husband 's sole name and maybe his lump sum on retirement would otherwise be going into his own account oh and they may say put it into a joint account .
14 Or they may say have you any proof of purchase ?
15 The charity is still in force today , but is used for grants for students and apprentices for books and any equipment they may need to help them in their careers .
16 While the logic of Black 's view has been widely accepted , in practice many empirical studies have used some form of rate of return , although they may have given it another name .
17 Detectives want to speak to anyone who thinks they may have seen them .
18 In other words , they may have seen it as a means of safeguarding their referral patterns , which might have been threatened had they been forced to restrict themselves to contracts made by district health authority purchasers .
19 They may have asked you about your work , your leisure activities and the things you buy .
20 What is becoming increasingly evident is how much we have to learn from dolphins — and how much they may have to teach us .
21 They may have bought it for £9,000 with full discount , if it is actually worth £30,000 it will be the latter figure that will be used to work out their roof tax ...
22 They may have solved it .
23 They may have thought they were putting it out
24 They may have thought they had been abused therefore they could do it .
25 Er and they may have thought it was not acceptable from that point of view but you felt that it was okay .
26 Now that the attentions of the KGB have vaporised ( they forced him to store or hide his machines , they may have helped him defect ) , the urge is to fly again .
27 It is the hope of the writers and publishers of this booklet that they may have helped you decide how you should use that influence .
28 Of course , they may have got him wrong , since some of them also suggested that the great man had once possessed a robust sense of humour .
29 They may have told you that it was , but it could n't have been .
30 Another young accountant said : ‘ They must want to keep us as busy as possible .
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