Example sentences of "they [modal v] [not/n't] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 The sort of programmes that involve the risk that they may not work at all .
2 And some hinted they may not increase AT ALL .
3 They must not go at all .
4 A useful tip is to exclude all light completely from the tubing by wrapping it in strips of black bin liner , thereby depriving algae of all light so , in theory , they should not form at all .
5 In the first example of his tenacity , he pointed out that there could be no guarantee that the government 's privatization plans would go ahead in their then current form and they might not happen at all .
6 They must be " conceivable " in terms of our cognitive theory otherwise they could n't arise at all , or if they did , would refute our theory ( see below ) .
7 At about 2.15 , someone from the Cardiff side threw the first stone , then the bricks started flying : if they could n't get at each other on land , then they could always fight a missile war and there was plenty of ammo flying around : the workmen who put the fence in had not swept up the chunks of broken concrete around the supports .
8 otherwise they could n't get at things properly .
9 While she was ponderously explaining what an LOA presentation was , they could n't probe at him .
10 The CNAA , he explained , would take pressure off the University of London , and if other universities were not prepared to enter the field of external degrees ‘ they could not complain at the creation of the new body ’ .
11 What criteria would police and immigration officials use in their search for ‘ potential terrorists ’ on a train that they could not use at a static checkpoint or airport ?
12 Last December , when £2 million was suggested as the likely price for their property , Mr Widdup and his 62-year-old wife made it clear they would not sell at any price .
13 For the most part they would n't speak at all even if threatened .
14 So she rode slowly through them , mostly holding her breath and praying that they would n't charge at her .
15 The police say they ca n't comment at this stage .
16 A happy theatre a happy ship if you like a corny phrase to use is very very apparent and I 'm sure my colleagues and friends around here would appreciate because they do believe they ca n't get at the management committee and they would like to so please Tom will that be possible at some time in the near future ?
17 This means you can also tailor rooms for others to use so that they ca n't get at applications you do n't want them to use .
18 They ca n't fly at night .
19 The fact that they ca n't look at the real problems makes them attack someone or something else .
20 Erm well slightly different in the fact that er we er have two close schemes with far more er beneficiaries than there are er subscribing members , and at the moment that are four nominated by the er employer and four by the unions er we wish to say a pensioner erm that the rights were a pensioner nominee to that board of trustees , because we feel that er the situation is er is going to increase , we 've got so many beneficiaries and that the pensioners have no representative er I know that erm people on the boards of trustees are completely impartial , but on the other hand there is no pensioner there , the members are unsure of the fund , because of what 's been said , not that I 'm implying it 's not a secure fund , it is a secure fund , but they think why are they keeping the pensioners off , they there is some sort of hidden agenda they will not have us on there because neither of the businesses although we have tried for several years er they will not entertain at the moment erm a pensioner trustee , and yet Professor Good in his report acknowledges the merit of pensioner nominated trustees , er particularly in the sort of schemes where we 've got , wh where th the majority of beneficiaries .
21 And they will not accept at the head of the established Church a man who was largely responsible for the break-up of his own marriage .
22 They ai n't eaten since yesterday , and until that man of mine comes home , they wo n't eat at all !
23 I 'm afraid they wo n't do at all for G.W. Fashions . ’
24 ‘ Surely they wo n't attack at this bloody hour ? ’
25 FORMER Liberal leader Sir David Steel yesterday urged Labour to stand down for the Liberal-Democrats in seats they can not win at the next Election .
26 Mere are many ways in which governments and their supporters can prevent these methods from being effective , but they can not work at all if the opposition has no real procedural opportunity to apply real scrutiny , nor if its efforts do not arouse the media of information and public opinion .
27 When the weather is very cold they can not fly at all , but can warm themselves by deflecting their wings at right angles to the Sun ( as do , for example , locusts ) .
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