Example sentences of "they [be] just [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 She said : ‘ The message is that the UK government could n't care less , they are just applying a Band-Aid to a mortal wound . ’
2 They 're just taking a bit too much on .
3 ‘ I think they 're just taking a look around . ’
4 They 're just taking a well-earned break from publicising the Lifeline Africa Appeal that 's just been launched by the Northampton-based charity , World Vision .
5 did they actually have to claim how much , I mean er you know they produced , cos all we 're saying here is they 're just taking a a nominal amount which they stipulate at the beginning of a three year period , and they 're just gon na take that .
6 Now what has happened in the last decade or so , through the advent of radioastronomy , is that we 've discovered that there are vast clouds of molecules between the stars and they 're just chock a block with very intriguing molecules , many of which are just the sort of things we would expect to be in the prebiotic soup .
7 They 're just doing a kind of tour of loads and loads of houses cos they keep moving with his job .
8 But like they 're just doing a survey
9 They 're just doing a like a walk .
10 They 're just having a good time . ’
11 They 're just having a just having a review and they 've told Mick that his lads are going to be civilianised .
12 They were kidding themselves if they believed they were just electing a bunch of councillors to run local services .
13 Praps they were just getting a little fed up of Wilko selling players for nothing when he decided he did nt want them any more ?
14 He smiled infuriatingly at her , lifting a hand to run it over his dark hair , seemingly as relaxed as though they were just sharing a pleasant little chat rather than this frosty interview .
15 God knows how I did n't kill myself and the sheer of the whole thing was , it was n't even on the second floor , it was on the ground floor , they were just pulling a .
16 They were just having a peaceful protest , sitting there and linking arms : no threats or fear of violence .
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