Example sentences of "they [be] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The nearer the foundations , the more likely they are to unsettle or destabilise the whole structure .
2 The muddier the bottom the more likely they are to suck and blow the bait to clean it .
3 It is therefore to the second alternative — selling goods and services overseas — that countries must look if they are to maintain and improve their living standards and avoid a balance of payments crisis .
4 Those who have put their trust in Jesus as Saviour " have been born anew … through the living and abiding word of God ; but , like all new-born babes , they must " long for the pure spiritual milk " of the word if they are to survive and grow ; and once beyond babyhood they need solid food — which is the " meat " of God 's word .
5 Companies potentially need to acquire information about all the environmental factors shown in the diagram , if they are to survive and prosper .
6 Human children , if they are to survive and become adults , must be cared for by adults at least until adolescence .
7 Hermit crabs must occupy shells of the right general size if they are to survive and breed .
8 Seedlings should be sown where they are to grow and thinned twice to a final spacing of 20cm ( 8in ) ; good plants occupy a square foot of space .
9 Once students have identified the discourse type they are to process or produce , the next step is for them to ‘ find their way around ’ inside it .
10 Choreographers must have been dancers themselves if they are to understand and feel the natural abilities of the body and to allow fur the influence of the techniques in which they have been trained .
11 They 're to cover and protect the silage , made of spoiled hay . ’
12 This was at the limit of the effective range of canister but he could afford to wait no longer ; his men were so weak , their movements so sluggish that they would need every extra second if they were to re-load and fire another charge before the enemy reached the ramparts .
13 For many people this was the last time they were to see or speak to him and they are left with a good memory and a triumphant one .
14 The large and thriving congregation was stunned by the Jesuits ’ sudden announcement , in March 1989 , that they were to close and sell off the church on the open market — ‘ for any reasonable use ’ , according the sale particulars .
15 If she stayed indoors much longer , Murphy would have taken over her tasks and have filled the old beer crates they were to use as laying boxes with straw , and be collecting the scraps from the kitchen , that Dora had reluctantly promised to keep for her .
16 At the house , Robert Asshe was frequently in the room , and often chose the pieces they were to play and sing .
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