Example sentences of "they [be] [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The calves remain ‘ crated ’ until taken out for slaughter between three and four months later during which time they are fed a milk-derivative liquid diet ‘ enhanced ’ in the usual ways with vitamins , medication , and sometimes growth-promoters .
2 Martin Braine found that if children between five and six years of age are shown a standard visual illusion — such as a stick in water appearing to be broken , by light refraction — they will distinguish correctly between ‘ looks ? ’ and ‘ really ? ’ questions , but that if they are asked the neutral question ‘ Is the stick straight or broken ? ’ they will say that it is broken .
3 They are taught a broad range of subjects , they learn about childcare and have a good preparation for motherhood , and they provide support and solidarity to each other .
4 In the ‘ Newtonian ’ picture , shapes to which the calculus can be applied have the property of smoothness : the more they are magnified the simpler they get ( in the limit , curves can be replaced by their tangents ) .
5 The methodology in Advance with English leads the learners gradually from exercises in which they are given a great deal of guidance , to ones in which there is almost no guidance .
6 Firstly , they are given a two month course covering most aspects and procedures of aircraft accident investigation , after which they spend several months assisting experienced investigators in the field until they are sent out , with full responsibility for their particular side of the investigation ( i.e. operations or engineering ) , on one of the many minor accidents to private or club aircraft .
7 Some companies farm out elderly executives to a convenient backwater where they are given a lofty title — Senior Vice President in Charge of Something Unimportant .
8 Hence if shares are given a preferential dividend they are presumed to be non-participating as regards further dividends , and if they are given a preferential right to a return of capital they are presumed to be non-participating in surplus assets .
9 This is a further reason for considering such skills an essential part of the staff nurses ' role rather than as an added extra to be fitted in whenever possible : today 's staff nurses are the ward sisters of tomorrow , and they do not simply pick up teaching skills automatically when they are given a new job title .
10 The point to note about the above defences is that if they are given a wide construction by the courts ( and it is too soon to tell , as too few cases have been brought ) , then the risk of prosecution diminishes even further .
11 Consciously or unconsciously , the trees , either individually or in clumps , are recognized by local people as being sacred , and they are given a helping hand to ensure their survival .
12 The task may be simplified for trainees if they are given a hard copy of the 15 documents so that an appropriate system for naming the files can be selected ; file extensions , eg. LET , MEM , REP , may be used to assist identification .
13 The youth Law changes are in their infancy and are an asset to the game if they are given a fair chance .
14 After an hour or so they are given a brief rest by switching the lights off and then they are tested by being given a choice between attempting to follow the light on which they had been imprinted ( say the red ) and another , unfamiliar light , say the yellow .
15 If a team arrives at the finish without a bale or only some semblance of one , they are given a ten minute time penalty .
16 Teachers want to have their privacy invaded , provided they are given a little nudge and they feel sure that there is n't going to be any ‘ comeback ’ in their school .
17 Male individuals are better protected because they are given an additional booster dose during military service .
18 However , they are likely to get the best start in life if they are given an ample helping of peat-like compost in the hole .
19 When Newham Members raise the problem with social security Ministers , they are given the official answer that it is caused by the number of Somali refugees .
20 If pupils are motivated to learn to use spoken Standard English because they wish to adopt a social role , they will learn it if they are given the appropriate educational experiences and opportunities .
21 The specialists are then much easier to satisfy — providing they are given the right kind of food , they are content to sit and stare out from their cages , much as they would sit and stare out at their wild landscapes .
22 Oriental rugs need room to breathe , and unless they are given the right amount of space they can either be swamped by the surrounding decor or become so overpowering that they detract from everything else in the room .
23 It is therefore vital that they are given the right sort of care , so they can grow up to be well developed and strong physically , mentally alert , contented and emotionally stable .
24 But experience has shown that it is possible to create elite , high-calibre long-term support teams if they are given the right leadership and training , an attractive physical environment to work from , good pay and conditions of service and , crucially , a set of realistic objectives about what they are trying to achieve .
25 By allowing delegated authority to subordinates , management at middle and junior levels are ‘ groomed ’ for eventual senior management positions , because they are given the necessary experience of decision-making .
26 Only a little thought will show what a nonsense this is , for , as we have just seen , no two individuals manifest their illnesses in exactly the same way even if they are given the same disease label .
27 If they are given the green light then the running costs will have to come from the police authority .
28 If a terrorist group is operating in the area then the sooner they are stopped the better . ’
29 The harder they are blown the more will the horns and tuba part company , until in ff there is an almost complete lack of blend .
30 So if my reprehensible behaviour at Harrogate ( getting drunk at night is OK in the 90s , but not in the afternoon ) was my own fault , and Ladhar Bheinn , Riggindale and Snowdon are blameless in this respect , at least they are left a lasting impression compounding fear , terror and loathing with delight .
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