Example sentences of "they [be] [verb] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They are expecting you to say something nice .
2 what they are doing you see , an authorized dealer , well even a non-authorized dealer get hold of a piece of kit and then somebody say want this system , right okay , and they just have a big load of forms for maintenance agreements and all they do the dealer 'll go along and put this kit in , B T 'll come along and say yeah that conforms to regulations , sign here , the customer er sign here , the dealer send the maintenance agreement to us , we signed it , send it back , we 've never even seen it , then we turn up and find that the main control unit 's high up in the attic or in a damp cellar , in a cupboard where you ca n't see it , there 's no light and stuff like that and we 're taking jobs on like that and it you know , it 's just impossible to work on them
3 They 're hooked you see .
4 I do n't think we need to type an enquiry , I think that the people who realise that , the fact that you had got there is meant to indicate to you that name of the firm was Mallard , and therefore by using by using Mallards , sausage skins , they 're expecting you to use apostrophe s .
5 It 's as if they 're expecting you to fail academically ; and , if the teacher expects you to fail , then you begin to believe it yourself and you do .
6 High blocks they 're , they 're called you know .
7 I do n't know what they 're called you know .
8 You want to pat yourself on your , on your back and think you know what a good boy I am , or what a good girl I am , and of course you 're doing , your superego is doing to you what your parents would 've done as , as , when you were a child , they 're rewarding you saying good boy , good girl , have n't you been good ?
9 They 're telling you like how much ho how to ge gauge how much money you 're gon na be able to take out on a mortgage
10 ‘ Perhaps they 're using you to try to get to me , ’ Julius suggested .
11 They 're teaching you to express personality at the Slade — personality in general .
12 I mean , they 're begging 'em you to ke they 're begging you to keep 'em on at school , and yet you ca n't get no help to keep 'em on .
13 Yeah , they 're asking you to do a survey thing .
14 These have got the time signature in but you 're , they 're asking you to put in the bar lines and then grouping the notes properly .
15 So they 're saying you know , to , to prove that it 's viable they they 'll give you poly if you could have a poly-tunnel .
16 Now some of the girls And they 're released you know , some of the girls were arrested what two or three times a night .
17 And erm I said to her , dad 's overall 's in the machine so when they 're finished you hand them on the line .
18 If people are gon na sit around the house while they 're unemployed , they 're probably the same people who sit around the house when they 're on a Saturday and Sunday when they 're working you know .
19 You , you ca n't have a transport football team because you ca n't get enough of us together at one time cos they 're working you see , when people want to go to and from work but er
20 If if if you have the people doing it who know what they 're doing you 've really only got to look at what they 're counting .
21 . See they 're making you cough now .
22 Hey , wait a minute , should n't they be paying you to advertise their wares ?
23 But I daresay , if you were speaking to some of the older men in the shipyard er who had worked in a shipyard before my time , that er a lot of riveters , a lot of tradesmen of all all kinds , found it hard to get employment once they were they were sacked you know .
24 For he was n't clever enough to hide them , exactly , he stumbled through you see and and er of course they they were exposed you see , for all to see .
25 But Portobello branch went further They were urging you see , the national executive committee , to take industrial action immediately you see .
26 Well , you know when I used to come to you walk across cos of the trams , Christmas day , all down Argyle Street every a a ev , they were bulging you know !
27 I thought they were helping you to do that .
28 Are , are yards bigger today than they were do you think ?
29 And then we used to after that , we used to go out , every in the morning and at night , taking some feed out , to them wherever they were do you see .
30 but you hate to think at the same time what happened how they were burning you hate to think of
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