Example sentences of "they [verb] been [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Well you see they 've been brainwashed to that sort of music so they 're bound to , bound to like it .
2 ‘ They all reported to the police station they 'd been assigned to and they all went on to stand trial . ’
3 Strange , she thought crossly , that the Copenhageners were n't all wearing ankle bandages , but then they 'd been born to the decorative but tricky pavements and attuned their footwear accordingly .
4 Between er , er the best , the best end of the scale ones which I would of thought if they 'd been submitted to something like a general
5 They 'd been known to us for years as a couple of minor police informers , dabblers in espionage who never come up with anything much . ’
6 in the end she took the children home with her , erm it was so different from what they 'd been used to in those erm
7 They 've bought up two hundred thousand tonnes of the crop … and they 've been asked to fork out for another two hundred fifty thousand tonnes .
8 Our two white heavies are too big for the straight-back chairs they 've been tied to .
9 And then , secondly t to just sort of mention the erm perhaps the more traditional ways of of working with people once they 've been sent to you by the courts .
10 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
11 Prisoners at Gloucester apparently became bored translating school textbooks — now they 've been switched to teenage adventure stories — to the delight of the pupils .
12 Well , we 'd like to think that er people , once they 've been introduced to these different sorts of drinks , and become a bit more aware about different sensible levels , would actually be interested in buying them in the future and trying them out themselves .
13 So they 've been used to their own rate and I said each time , if you 're gon na get you must tell them it 's the cleanup rate .
14 When they 've been promoted to a high ranking job .
15 Yes there are far too many overlapping institutions that self regulation has n't worked , it ha has no adequate on the annualt we welcomed 21 effective against fraud by replacing it by an independent statutory statutory based regulator which has the power to strike and strike hard rather than everything er by the the the plethora of regulations we now deal with in the financial er in the financial sector and in the respect of what 's proposed today , you ca n't rely er on auditors to be the effective police force that they 've been required to be by these er regulations .
16 Maybe just some Iranian hotheads getting upset because they think they 've been subjected to a con trick by the arms dealers .
17 I mean , the District Council have taken over Scottish Homes , they 've been passed to them , in Falkirk and Mid-Lothian recently .
18 Well , they were expensive if you had to buy them but they had been given to me , along with a pair of golf shoes , by the Italian company which supplied Jack .
19 " It 's just a trick , really , it 's easy , " said Clara , and she took back the egg , and found that she could not put it together again either , so they decided to abandon it , and left it in little pieces in a glass dish on the mantelpiece with some dry and coloured gourds , and then they went downstairs and out into the park , and walked towards the bus stop , and Clara explained , lest the gourds and the egg should be thought to reflect in any way on herself , that they had been given to her by a friend the week before , to celebrate her twenty-second birthday .
20 Previously they had been assumed to be something that belonged to the Royal College of Art , the Slade School , the Royal Ballet School , and so on .
21 They had been increased to six a year ; five for the Apprentices , conducted by the Demonstrator and one , the General Herborising , for Members only .
22 Although it has been argued that most of the ideas central to general systems theory are certainly valuable , they had been applied to it without formal knowledge of the theory ( Jennings , 1973 , p. 124 ) , nevertheless the theory has focused thinking and has probably been responsible for a more comprehensive view of many environmental situations .
23 The appellant claimed that they had been sent to the wrong office .
24 They had been sent to the group as part of a fur " amnesty " sponsored by them .
25 He made his recordings in 1904 and died a year later ; by 1925 they had been moved to the ‘ Historic Catalogue ’ .
26 And when they joined their ship , they had been plundered to the last farthing , most probably in debt and diseased in mind and body .
27 He questioned the evidence given by Professor Austin Gresham , a Home Office pathologist and Professor of Morbid Anatomy at Cambridge University , who conducted a second post-mortem examination on Miss Ward 's remains after they had been flown to Britain by her father , John Ward .
28 You would go in there planning to discuss , say , her habit of ogling men in restaurants or her inability to repay money she had borrowed , or her ability to disseminate confidences throughout the whole of Wimbledon about five minutes after they had been imparted to her , and you would end up discussing the state of affairs in Europe , the merits of Beethoven , or , more usually , your own deficiencies .
29 But no steps were to be taken to put them into effect until they had been communicated to the king , who , when he had satisfied himself that they had been made without prejudice , would decide what was to be done .
30 They had been sentenced to between five and 14 years ' imprisonment on the basis of forensic evidence from hand swabs indicating that they had handled nitroglycerine .
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