Example sentences of "they [verb] give [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 But surely not as furious as he would have been afterwards , if they 'd given way to the temptations of their flesh ?
2 Because the insulating characteristics of timber-frame houses are so good they do give rise to the problem known as ‘ interstitial condensation ’ , as was revealed in the television documentary .
3 They do give weight to the judgements of the most aware , those who have educated themselves to discriminate between flavours most accurately .
4 A representative of the illegal but tolerated Moslem Brotherhood said on June 9 that although the Brotherhood did not support political assassinations " the government and the media " shared responsibility for Fudah 's death since they had given space to " writers dedicated to attacking Islam " .
5 Generally , these policies were successful in preventing heavy unemployment like that experienced in the 1930s , but unfortunately they tended to give rise to the phenomenon known as ‘ stop-go ’ .
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