Example sentences of "they [verb] they would be " in BNC.

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1 They realized they would be severely punished when the Germans learned that they had failed to do their duty .
2 They were rather taken aback when they realised they would be learning about the way the planning system operates !
3 They believe they would be better off on their own .
4 Chest seems to be full of mucus , if only they could cough a little deeper they feel they would be able to shift it and get it up .
5 Er and in both cases it was er a feeling of insecurity , and that they felt they would be more secure going to a different part of the organization .
6 We were deprived a show of hands because they knew they would be defeated and embarrassed . ’
7 They knew they would be working in groups of six or seven pupils from both schools .
8 " I expect they thought they would be down here in a moment to indulge in carnal conversation with us and to murder us , " replied Miriam rather cruelly , becoming blunter than ever .
9 Under the new-look European farm policy agreed last year farmers are much better off than they thought they would be .
10 One particularly successful firm said that LEDU officials suggested that they relocate in Antrim , and that if they did they would be open to considerably more funding .
11 Employees are scared to enforce their rights because if they did they would be unfairly dismissed .
12 Should they digress they would be asked to find other accommodation forthwith .
13 They said they would be unable to manage 60 carers and would each require an assistant development officer when the project was fully operational .
14 They said they would be back in an hour .
15 Special Branch , which works closely with MI5 , has its own computer system which keeps records on many millions of people none of whom have committed any offence ( if they had they would be on the Police National Computer ) split into 27 different groups such as ‘ interesting ’ , ‘ controversial ’ and ‘ subversive ’ .
16 Erm Mao was worried that as , i in the course of the , the latter stages of directive and the there had been abuses of the system by Party members and that had led to the Party getting a bad name with the peasants and the way to rectify that was to publish the Communist Party membership so everybody in the village would know who was a Communist Party member and they would be able to see , Mao believed , that on the whole Party members had behaved properly , they had n't exploited the situation for their own advantage and where they have they would be , there would be a with them to correct .
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