Example sentences of "they [verb] i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And er erm they saw me on the you know television programme and they asked me to go go to the school and
2 If they asked me to say thank you very much at the end of a shit interview I would n't , and if they did n't like it , I 'd probably leave .
3 They asked me to help dress the models who wandered around showing clothes to the ladies having afternoon tea in the restaurant , and after a bit I did some modelling myself .
4 Quite why this put the scrutineers in a dilemma I do n't know , but they asked me to protest to get them off the hook .
5 They asked me to consider standing myself , ’ he says , ‘ but I 'm 67 and I thought that was too old . ’
6 I just find those subject the easiest to deal with : on the one hand , they 're the most tangible feelings I have to pull out of myself ; on the other , they make me want to make a stronger statement when I ultimately do that .
7 How many men do they think I 've got ? ’
8 Where would they think I 'd gone to ?
9 As I say , they expect I 've got music , it 's not gon na come as a shock to them .
10 They found I did have river blindness .
11 ‘ It took quite a while to stitch me up , but everything 's all right now , although they say I 've lost a lot of blood from the placental bleed . ’
12 I ca n't afford it but they say I 've got to pay it so they 'll take me to court .
13 ‘ Mummy and daddy and my brother Mike and they say I 've got to go with them ! ’
14 They believed I had to report to a camp near Dover .
15 Then they let me get dressed , gave me a pair of slippers , because we were n't allowed to wear shoes , and said I had to wait to see the Governess .
16 As the Sundance Kid said to Butch Cassidy , as they were being hotly pursued by a posse of Pinkerton detectives ‘ If they paid me to stop raiding banks , what they paid them to stop me robbing banks , I 'd stop robbing banks . ’
17 and the new baby , remember when I told you about Andrew my cousin , my favourite cousin they reckoned I 'd fancied him ?
18 and the new baby , remember when I told you about Andrew my cousin , my favourite cousin they reckoned I 'd fancied him ?
19 His pal his workmate was retired and a few months after , Arthur died , so it left me the one and the owners of the property , they give me notice to quit and no messing about er and when I talked to them , they give me twelve months , rate free , to erm get out .
20 Johann stopped for a minute , but then he added , ‘ If they know I 've told you this , they 'll kill me .
21 They wo n't take me on once they know I 've got a disability . ’
22 They know I planned to attack them . ’
23 Will doctors give up trying to save me if they know I want to donate my organs ?
24 They say they feel I 've gone into their living room .
25 If they find I 've escaped they wo n't be worried .
26 ‘ Absolutely no one — they 'll react as soon as they guess I 've left the country .
27 They watched me trying to fly but I could not .
28 The village school takes pupils in January and September each year , and before they go I like to get together with them to have a talk , teach them how to put on socks and shoes , and other things they might need to know .
29 They claim I 've threatened people , trying to mek them strike .
30 They knew I had seen Mina , too .
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