Example sentences of "they [verb] be [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean even if you did provide reassurances , just because the peasants were well aware of the fact that hardl although they 'd been given lands and their had been er the lan you know the previous been destroyed , the Communist Party could take back their land tomorrow if they wanted to .
2 They 'd been given names by the local people — the Grand Canyon , the Great Wall of China — on account of the strangeness of their formations .
3 They felt they 'd been made fools of … and the ring is some sort of family heirloom and his father went on as if it was all Rick 's fault that Angy had made off with it . ’
4 They 'd been taken care of .
5 Of two hundred and forty people who returned their questionaires to the students union , seventy nine per cent said they 'd been offered drugs .
6 The unions issued the warning as they published what they claimed were leaked BR maps detailing the impact of privatisation on the network .
7 Certainly most members of the general public will have heard of the Draize test for detecting the irritant potential of cosmetics , or perhaps the more widely used LD50 , nor will they have been spared photographs of immobilised creatures in plaintive lines .
8 He says it 's going to get bigger and bigger and alot of our pasture land is going to be cannabis plantations and they 're going to be legal ones because they 've been granted licences to possess and grow it .
9 AT best , they 've been called cranks .
10 They erm they tend to perhaps have a different attitude if they 've been given company shares , because they 're handled shares er fairly regularly , and that 's a different matter , erm I mean erm are there many people here who have privatized issues ?
11 ‘ But South Africa are a much better team than they 've been given credit for , and they are getting better with every match .
12 But it was partly due to Ruddock that Southampton start the season out of pocket — they 've been fined £20,000 by the Football Association as punishment for their appalling disciplinary record last season .
13 After a lengthy campaign they 've been offered compensation for drop in value of their homes .
14 He says over the last few years there 've been a number of applications by local people who live and work in the area and want to stay here and they 've been refused permission to build on their own land for single dwellings and we think it would be terribly unfair if Redlands could come in and build a whole new estate , doubling the size of the village .
15 A Thai Army official admitted on Jan. 2 , 1990 , that Myanma soldiers had crossed the Moei river but denied that they had been given permission to do so .
16 It showed what many journalists in Beirut had long realised : that the Palestinians regarded their cause , their country — Palestine — as infinitely more holy , more sacred than the nation in which they had been given refuge .
17 Minns said the new SPAs were welcome but he questioned why they had been given priority over the Cairngorms or the mudflats of the Solway Firth , " areas of enormous importance for wildlife which are under real and immediate threat " .
18 ‘ The increase in Sinn Fein 's fortunes was inevitable given that they had been given resuscitation by Mr Hume , as he always seems to do when their fortunes are low , ’ he said .
19 All the seats had been taken , but once Myeloski had waved his warrant-card at the ticket-desk they had been given seats .
20 They had been given borrowing and overdraft facilities .
21 They wound Sycorax 's light dry spoil in two banana leaves , laid lengthwise and sewn together with dried strips of aloe , and then chose to dig a vertical grave at the foot of the saman tree , the designated place , for which they had been granted permission .
22 However , if they had been granted representation proportionate to their minute share of those votes , four or five of their candidates could have become MdBs : the exclusion clause served to prevent that .
23 A recent study , published in The Lancet , found that premature babies were six to ten times more likely to get necrotising enterocolitis — the most common , serious gastro-intestinal disease seen in special-care units — if they had been fed formula milk in place of breast milk .
24 Rita 's teaching experience has been enormously full and varied , including recreational classes ranging from her first class of East-enders at Plaistow to her university class at Newcastle 20 years later , courses for schoolchildren , for Civil Defence trainees and for physiotherapy students ( only this year , at the Sports Medicine exhibition , physiotherapists came up to the Medau stand to say that they had been taught Medau by Rita Quick ) , and work with the mentally ill and disabled .
25 It was crammed full of good ideas which you could n't sensibly argue with , but they had been turned upside down .
26 The explosion detached the separate wings as if they had been plucked feathers .
27 Pigeons clock-shifted 6 hours forward should behave as if they had been taken west : a pigeon , for example , clock-shifted 6 hours in a loft at Rome and then released at midday would think that the time at home was 6.00 p.m. , deduce that it had been moved to New York , and therefore home by flying east ( if we ignore the fact that it would recognize local landmarks ) .
28 They had been lured miles into the hills by reports of a distant loch , full of superb fish that had n't seen artificial fly or an angler for years .
29 Their dream reports included more water-related imagery , such as lakes or snow , as well as some explicitly thirst-satisfying objects , such as Pepsi Cola , than on control nights when they had been allowed fluids ad lib .
30 The north London club 's preparations were far from ideal , entering the game just 48 hours after they had been fined £50,000 for a breach of League regulations and chairman Stan Flashman had been involved in a scuffle with photographers at the London hearing .
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