Example sentences of "they [verb] [pers pn] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 and the Warner Brothers Bugs Bunny and the popcorn , you go and get your popcorn dish out of thing , show Alex how much popcorn we bought , I mean you go up there and it 's not like it used to be years ago a little bale of popcorn they sell them in huge great big cartons up there
2 They make them in bloody big batches now
3 People always will want horses but they want them in different forms at different times .
4 They found him in robust mood , " his morale seemed higher than at Eighth Army HQ " and he seemed confident that he could " maintain " the " uneasy position " in Venezia Giulia " for several weeks if necessary , while negotiations proceed and decisions are taken on a government level " .
5 They catch them and pickle them or pin them on cards ; they put them in various sorts of cages and study their responses to different environments and different stimuli …
6 I have to track them down cos they put them in obscure places sometimes , but there are conference notice boards .
7 They 've been doing that for a they take it from and they put it in cheap cheap labour .
8 Er , the recommendation to those committees was that they should treat the paper as a basis for consultation , it was on that basis that they approved it , it was my impression that they support it in general terms .
9 In general , there is evidence that children who have developed a sensitivity to cow 's milk may become sensitive to soya proteins as well , if they consume them in large quantities .
10 It turns out they read it in sensational newspapers at the supermarket checkout counter . ’
11 ‘ Type L ’ isoleucine in the living organism and ‘ type D ’ isoleucine in the dead organism have almost the same chemical characters , but when they are hit by light they deflect it in different ways .
12 ‘ That 's what they teach you in military service , is it ? ’ remarked his father , from one end of the table .
13 They thanked her in quiet voices , told her the clothes were ‘ cool ’ , but no one said they knew Francis .
14 But that Moorish Negress was so skilful in drawing the Turkish bow , that it was held for a marvel , and it is said that they called her in Arabic Nugueymat Turya , which is to say , the Star of the Archers .
15 They stored it in massive casks said to have been as large as houses .
16 Cereal farmers are using less nitrogen fertiliser and have changed the way that they apply it in direct response to concern over nitrogen pollution , according to a report form the Home Grown Cereals Authority .
17 Yes it 's , yes it 's a , it 's a , it 's a winter one not , I do n't think he 'd like it that 's a shame , they did it in red .
18 were , was n't those gloves , they , it , it was their thermolactal that they , they sell always cos they do them in black and grey
19 If this is an important problem to the parent , they should practise at home saying ‘ no ’ before they do it in public .
20 and by he and his wife were headmaster in the village village of and their master , headmaster used to give Wallace two lessons and they had it in different houses , you know
21 When the various occult organisations get wind of the non-existent secret 's existence , of course , they take it in deadly earnest and will stop at nothing to discover it and so make themselves Masters of the World .
22 They stood her in good stead when her father enrolled her at her next school , Riddlesworth Hall , two hours ' drive from Park House .
23 Whitlock had spent most of the afternoon with them and he 'd come away with the distinct impression that they held him in little regard .
24 They invest them in various ways and at the end of the day you can use that erm policy to actually top up your pension or provide for increased family benefits and because it 's a the administration costs er costs are sort of less than than you get with erm you know sort of taking out a policy with an individual company , on a one off basis .
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