Example sentences of "they [verb] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He grasped the little man 's arms desperately and they lay looking into each other 's faces .
2 As always they lay exhausted in each other 's arms , their sated bodies languid and limp , Fernando soothing her fevered brow with tender kisses of love .
3 They 've got problems with erm staffing because they got rid of all their staff
4 Well they got rid of all those it 's the just cottages I saw round the back .
5 They remain shut to this day .
6 Three countries — Denmark , Ireland and Belgium — meanwhile indicated yesterday that they remain opposed to another key element , which forsees the abolition of all limits on tax-paid goods that can be carried across borders by private travellers .
7 Although the Tories plan to reduce manpower by an average of 20pc across the three services they remain committed to several important new orders .
8 They became involved after some of the cult 's former members attempted suicide .
9 Alternatively , they lost so much money so frequently on them that they became disillusioned with all options and by proxy any other financial instruments .
10 The prison authorities see this flexibility as the principal benefit both for the deliverer and the candidate and they intend to build on this in future .
11 Most editors and journalists are perfectly honest about the fact that when they need help they tend to go to those PROs who have been helpful in the past .
12 Stevie , sensitive man that he was , had also picked up the atmosphere , Chris 's unusual silence and the way they avoided looking at each other .
13 They stopped shouting at each other , expecting the Headmaster to burst in on them at any moment .
14 Mostly about the film — and they want to talk about another book . ’
15 If they want to opt for both they 're going to have a very , very hard time , that 's indisputable .
16 So we look for situations where our learners will really have something they want to say to each other .
17 That speakers do introduce what they want to say via some form of personal reference has a noticeable effect on the structure of contributions in conversational discourse .
18 Get you some victims to be included because presumably they want to appeal for more members
19 I mean that is the thing yo you know , hope they want to auction like that .
20 If they want to speak to any of the prisoners they can .
21 ‘ Secondly , they say we must refuel the plane because they want to fly to another country .
22 We can often go in on the basis that if somebody has a problem that they want to look at that , just as frequently somebody has an interest that they want to develop , to know more about .
23 He was recently quoted as saying : ‘ I 've got a terrible habit when people bring in a picture and say they want to look like that — I invariably tear it up in front of them .
24 Right has anyone got anything they want raising from that list ?
25 The Greens won 10–30 per cent in some 1977 municipals , so they expect to get onto some councils .
26 Now , Becker and Stich will be the doubles pairing chasing an Olympic gold , providing they can mask the thinly disguised antipathy they appear to have for each other .
27 Better-heeled passengers penned a succession of sad descriptions of the flotsam and jetsam of Europe they encountered beached on many an American station .
28 But , in a sinister turn of events , firemen were stoned by gangs of youths as they tried to deal with several out-of-control bonfires on Merseyside .
29 Essentially , they were trying to examine the progress , or indeed lack of progress , of the immigrant newcomers as they tried to settle into this physical and social landscape .
30 They provide backing for such shattering conclusions as the following : s fly .
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