Example sentences of "from government [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The move , reportedly aimed at assuaging Chinese fears about growing unrest among India 's estimated 110,000 Tibetan exiles , came as their spiritual leader , His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso , the 14th Dalai Lama , gained increasing recognition from government leaders in the USA and the UK [ see pp. 38097 ; 38190 ] .
2 In some cases they received support from government services for the first time .
3 This transfers the onus from government subsidy to the local people who , should the council refuse , will themselves be ‘ blamed ’ for the service closure .
4 Worse , his thoughts on the matter hint at a general approach that sounds not much different from government attitudes in the bad old past .
5 By February the Attorney General and the Lord Advocate were advising that ‘ the Directive is capable of applying to transfers from government departments into the private sector ’ , a view which undermined the government 's previous approach of ‘ construing the Directive as narrowly as possible ’ ( The Guardian , February 16 , 1993 )
6 If I can put it in , not , I hope , in a boastful way , but to illustrate how important this is to us , about forty per cent , getting on for half of the income of the Education Area last year , was made up not of normal University funds , but of funds attracted from outside to support research from private foundations and from government departments like the Department of Education and Science .
7 Ten per cent of its finances still came from government sources in the early sixties .
8 The crusade of the Reagan-Bush administrations against drugs has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs , some of whom have passed through the ’ revolving door ’ from government service in the traditional Washington manner .
9 We are at the leading edge of the development of wind power , and must also have one of the most effective network of organisations , ranging from government bodies to the voluntary sector , involved in conservation and wildlife protection .
10 They take little comfort from Government assurances about the future of the line .
11 Free Zuwaya suffered unequally from government intervention in the economy .
12 With the party buoyant in the opinion polls , and taking full benefit from government discomfiture over the poll tax , Labour increased its share of the vote to almost 55% .
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