Example sentences of "from which [pers pn] [was/were] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We are regaining that earthly paradise from which we were banished as we grew up , but at the cost of disturbances in our relations to reality , and in increasing pressures of hostility and anxiety ’
2 We live in a century imprinted on the present , which regards the past as little more than the springboard from which we were launched on our way .
3 The 16S rDNA sequences of PM ( bold ) and CIM are identified by the host species from which they were isolated .
4 She and Keith moved into a cold , damp flat together when she was pregnant , from which they were moved into a hotel before ending up in her present home , on the outskirts of a sprawling town .
5 Even today excavation reports treat artefacts as separate entities neatly divided up according to material from which they were made , i.e. gold , silver , lead , bronze , tin , iron , ivory , bone , jet , shale , stone , then followed by coins , samian decorated , samian plain , samian stamps , amphora stamps , mortaria stamps and coarse wares .
6 Now that pre-Martin Levins are being rediscovered , as are their players ( Folk Roots ' top 30 features two re-released CDs of the Incredible String Band 's early albums ) , Goliaths are presently pushing a £500 asking price and will certainly appreciate as the woods from which they were crafted disappear and their distinct acoustic tone becomes more eagerly sought by the Washburn weary and the Takamine troubadours .
7 Animals that you have captured specially for testing should be set free immediately afterwards in the place from which they were taken .
8 Many sections of the army leadership were thought to be hostile towards Aristide , however , because , in response to United States pressure , he had begun to act to stop drug trafficking from which they were known to benefit .
9 In this event sites from which they were removed could be returned to their former use as agricultural land , or left to return to a natural condition , without serious difficulty .
10 The interpretation of palaeoecology is rendered difficult because the composition of fossil faunas may differ radically from the communities from which they were derived .
11 Because predators always eat selectively , accumulations of their prey reflect the predators ' tastes rather than being a potentially accurate reflection of the living fauna from which they were derived .
12 Fermanagh the Carboniferous sediments thin northwards against the land mass from which they were derived .
13 The individual paper by-products may have particularist historical value , but their dispersed character makes it unlikely that their meaning could be reconstructed without the aggregate data from which they were derived .
14 Also , of course , the equations were of importance because of their connection with the problem from which they were derived : here was the hope that turbulent phenomena could be modelled by simple finite-dimensional systems , but this aspect too was largely ignored .
15 In each case , PCR primers were chosen which gave products of identical size from both the cDNA from which they were derived and from genomic or YAC DNA .
16 Long before California and Australia elected to name their wines after the grape variety or varieties from which they were produced , Alsace was already doing just that .
17 For Christians it defined a national identity from which they were excluded .
18 In international law too , the strict rule was inconvenient and could cause hardship to third parties whose interests were adversely affected by treaties from which they were excluded .
19 The relationship between fossil assemblages and ecology is usually not such a simple one , however , for the composition of fossil faunas may differ greatly from the living communities from which they were drawn .
20 This change in distribution appears to be a reflection of the changes in the mints from which they were drawn .
21 They may simply have reflected the population from which they were drawn .
22 Criteria for student selection had become increasingly " merit " based and the social constituency from which they were drawn widened slightly .
23 Mira takes these facts and re-inserts them in narrative — not the original narrative representations from which they were drawn , for these are inaccessible to her , — but playful conjectures as to what might have been .
24 The most common other indications of early occupation must be the presence of flint tools and the chips and cores of the flints from which they were fashioned .
25 Secondly , at a time when social workers are particularly concerned to understand how race should influence their practice , it is unfortunate that the study is based on respondents all of whom were of ‘ white British origin , reflecting the populations from which they were sampled ’ .
26 To art professionals an editioned print is an extension of the original drawn or etched image from which it was run off .
27 Right , let's get something straight — the reason Zeppelin changed the title for this budget rerelease is because the TV show from which it was licensed was changed .
28 At first , researchers attempted to place this style in the area from which it was assumed to originate — perhaps Persia , China or Central Asia — but through historical research it became clear that this was based on the false premise that the cloth was made in the original style of a certain group of people .
29 The foil was wound on a supply spool from which it was fed over a flat surface on to a take-up spool at a speed proportional to time .
30 pulverized cuttle-shell contained in a pounce-box , shaped like a pepper-caster , from which it was shaken over parchment and rubbed in to prepare the surface for writing .
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