Example sentences of "from which she had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Further shocks were to come : the reason behind Diana 's sometimes gaunt appearance was her battle with the binge-and-vomit eating disorder bulimia , from which she had suffered since the first year of her marriage .
2 No one is ever fully prepared for bereavement , and even if her husband 's terminal illness was one from which she had known he could not hope to recover , his death will still have come as a shock to her which may create a feeling of numbness and unreality : .
3 She had a sort of velvet cap , from which she had snipped a bit of veiling .
4 Crouched by the window from which she had lifted the blackout curtain , she also became aware of something else , unmistakable strong , insistent : the first stirrings of the new life within her .
5 Beside her was a wooden cradle , from which she had taken her baby .
6 First Richard Blake had taken advantage of her innocence , seducing her into a youthful infatuation from which she had managed to free herself only just in time .
7 But the strangeness of the tropics and the sophistication of the almost-forgotten culture from which she had sprung had greatly exaggerated her sense of release from the frustrations of the past .
8 Voluntarily then she moved back to the couch from which she had sprung up earlier .
9 The clarinet lay dusty on a shelf beside a Lamb 's Tales from Shakespeare , a sheep 's jaw from which she had meant to begin a study of anatomy , and a rough tangle of embroidery wools with which she had resolved to emulate Penelope , stitching and stitching as if her life and virtue depended upon it .
10 She climbed onto the bike and set off in the direction from which she had come , gathering speed as she descended .
11 Stunned , he proceeded , coughing , in the direction from which she had come .
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