Example sentences of "from a [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Automatism : Any involuntary movement of body or limb , e.g. epileptic fit , or under attack from a swarm of bees .
2 The superb shots were chosen from a sea of entries which flooded into our offices after the Tall Ships ' visit this summer .
3 To this end , unbeknown to the millions who have brought about the event , Jesus Christ has been cast in the role of a surrogate Created God , and by ascribing to him all that goodness that they wish to preserve , those who profess the Christian faith , have been doing just what the concept of the Created God requires , and what this book advocates , except that they have deified a single historical individual , Jesus Christ , instead of an abstract conception drawing its being from a myriad of sources .
4 This picture of myself develops from a myriad of experiences , particularly from the feedback I get from other people .
5 Several rhynchosaurs have been found in association with fragments of plants ( though it is not possible to say from a juxtaposition of fossils whether those fragments were ever inside the animal ) and the diet probably consisted of leaves , stems , fruit and seeds of seed-ferns , conifers , ginkgos , equisitales ( horsetails ) and ferns ( Figure 2 ) .
6 From a survey of cytokines , we found that one , MIP-1 β , was unique in mediating both chemotaxis and adhesion-induction for T cells ( Fig. 1 ) .
7 It would not be difficult to draw up a similar set of misunderstandings from a survey of pupils in the classroom .
8 Three booklets and three audiovisuals are being produced from a wealth of materials collected from workshops organised throughout Argentina and Uruguay during the past two years .
9 I have selected from a wealth of alternatives :
10 My knowledge , or rather realistic apprehension of it , at such an early age came from a coincidence of circumstances .
11 From a chest of drawers in his bedroom he drew out a clean , well-ironed white shirt and a dark blue regimental tie .
12 Susan had been taking a few items of clothing from a chest of drawers to a suitcase open on the bed .
13 The growing distrust of such methods arises from a mixture of sources .
14 Somalia is mostly desert , and three-quarters of its 6m people are nomads , living from a mixture of camels ' milk and fierce raids on other clans .
15 While ordinary Scotch is made from a mixture of grains blended with the finer malts , a malt whisky must be made only from malted barley .
16 The difficulties of reaching an unequivocal evaluation of the impact of the bomb-plot on attitudes towards Hitler can be seen , too , from a consideration of letters of ordinary soldiers from the Front , where evidence can be found both of a revival , if temporary , of faith in Hitler , and of extreme anti-Hitler feelings expressed despite the censorship .
17 Going via Hamburg , Harry now had troubles in the form of a punctured front tyre , and ‘ tummy-trouble ’ resulting from a surfeit of apples and vegetables .
18 There was no one about apart from a couple of youths stoning the seagulls with empty beer bottles .
19 The remaining 7% of group revenues comes from a couple of subsidiaries in Zimbabwe , ‘ the dowry ’ from South African investor , Johannesburg-based Allied Electronics Pty .
20 So I mean from a couple of bits of information we could tell they had sheep , they probably ate them , teeth marks on it , things like that .
21 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
22 This is often an unintentional form of steering which happens when the sail is not at the correct angle to the wind — the section of the sail next to the mast does not fill with wind and the driving force acts from a couple of feet farther back .
23 Mrs Jelbart must be working out well as a housekeeper , and from a couple of things her father had said , Belinda gathered that she seemed to care about the Jones boys in a more personal way too .
24 Seb 's statement brought a chorus of derision from a couple of navvies who had entered the tent behind him and were listening to the conversation .
25 Monday and Tuesday I had some regular work lined up , moving fire-damaged gin from a couple of pubs in Canning Town all the way across town to a warehouse in Hounslow .
26 I absented myself from a couple of demos .
27 So far David 's letters from a couple of children who understand his fascination but what he really wants is enough other fans to set up a collectors club for cone crazies .
28 I can see the lights from a couple of shops at the end of the driveway , but they ai n't open I think — they just got their lights on .
29 I must admit I do not seem to know them as I used to years ago , apart from a couple of detectives who come into the shop .
30 Beds , bedding and linen formed the largest single item ; clothing , pots and pans ( some of them pewter ) and kitchen stun made up most of the remainder , and apart from a couple of coffers , a table board , two ‘ chairstools ’ and a few small boards and forms , totalling 7s. , the house was almost bare of furnishings .
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