Example sentences of "from [Wh det] they have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 So much happening here at the moment as the ball was followed up by David he looked at the referee as er challenge him for the er shove inside the penalty area but the referee was unimpressed by that , Blackburn have already got one penalty here tonight from which they 've scored , Shrewsbury have scored from a penalty too and it 's the third division side still in the lead here by three goals to two .
2 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
3 Many brought with them East German flags from which they had cut out the hammer and compass , the Communist symbol .
4 The Bolsheviks inherited a long tradition of centralist rule from which they had suffered , but whose methods they had imbibed only too deeply .
5 The door from which they had emerged was also marked PRIVATE .
6 A family who lived there befriended us , looked after our bags and , solicitous of each other , we took turns on the one spare seat from which they had moved a child .
7 Londoners for four generations , they went back triumphantly each year to the village in Italy from which they had sprung to buy wine and show off their wealth .
8 The people , who accused the authorities of assault , were 26 children , 17 women and eight men , herded on to an aeroplane and sent , against their will , back to Vietnam , a country from which they had fled .
9 Once down on the road they headed for Bagoush , which ironically was the airfield from which they had taken off for their first disastrous operation the previous year .
10 From the biographical material it was sometimes difficult to chart progress accurately because the groups from which they had graduated were no longer in existence .
11 In the Moray Firth , they placed a ‘ headline barrier ’ , from which they had suspended reflectors at two-metre intervals .
12 But the stories told by these twenty prisoners of the camp from which they had come , stirred the most lethargic and bore-minded five year man .
13 A few of the ulema , highly placed in the government , encouraged him in his attacks on the gazi emirates , ulema " whose ideas and sentiments had remained attached to the ancient centres of Islam from which they had come as poor adventurers and to which they intended to return as wealthy ministers of the new master " .
14 Some married well , but most married back into the working class from which they had come .
15 " I want hardwoods planted up that hill , " he waved his arm in the direction from which they had come .
16 Nevertheless , by selective choice , the articulate , financially secure and politically active can also indirectly contribute to school failure — not perhaps in their district and their child 's school , but in the schools and districts to which such influence is never brought ( or the area from which they have moved away ) .
17 The conditions met by Banfield , and other researchers in similar fields dubbed ‘ backward societies ’ , are certainly different from those in the societies from which they have come .
18 Because of his fast-track methods , such people may well be returned to face even greater danger to themselves and their families in the countries from which they have come .
19 However , the right hon. Gentleman chose instead to use the race card , which his party is determined to play in the run-up to the election , by extrapolating from those two cases that there is massive fraud in matters relating to refugees , thereby smearing the character of all those who seek asylum in this country , without any thought of the conditions from which they have come .
20 Why , then , are historians so adamant in developing their computational methods and resources in near complete isolation from other communities with which they have so much in common and from which they have borrowed so extensively ?
21 Normal rats learn rapidly to avoid arms from which they have taken food on that trial .
22 The good standing of the exams , and thus — in the long run — of the profession itself , depends heavily on individuals ' willingness to put something back into the qualification from which they have benefited , and on the support that they receive in this endeavour from their employing organisations .
23 That 's fine , things that you have n't thought of , that 's coming from what they 've done , okay ?
24 If anyone wanted to attempt it from what they 've read in this book , I would strongly recommend that they think very carefully about it before they acquire a bird .
25 But it could also mean that erm they were getti that it they had been successful in getting taxation from what they 'd done since the beginning of cos they felt they could go even further .
26 Well a a a at the time , they 'd just changed over from the erm Tenants ' Development Association , to the Tenants ' Action Group , so it was a bit disorganized to begin with , cos we were still sorting out the , everything from what they 'd left over and things , so , but once we 'd got that all so once they 'd got that all sorted out , yeah , it was .
27 When children who knew more and less did respond , they were consistent in differentiating their response from what they had done for more and for less .
28 Where a similar pattern occurred in the parishes north of the Downland scarp there was some resistance from the local interests of lesser men , displaced as they often were from what they had come to regard as their ‘ customary ’ rights , particularly grazing on the extensive wastes .
29 In most cases , the environments , climates and conditions they encountered must have been very different from what they had known in Ayrshire .
30 Then they make their ale from what they have collected , and those who do not come there to drink and do not give money at the foresters ' will are sorely punished at their pleas for dead wood , although the King has no demesne ; nor does anyone dare to brew when the foresters brew , or to sell ale so long as the foresters have any kind of ale to sell ; and this every forester does year by year to the great grievance of the country .
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