Example sentences of "from [Wh det] [pron] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I looked over towards the Pasanggrahan Hotel , and the balcony from which we had longingly watched so many prahus which we could not sail aboard .
2 However , although in wartime married women were positively encouraged and in some cases required to re-enter or remain in the labour market , working in those very occupations from which they had previously been ‘ barred ’ , such women were often categorised as temporary workers , or were employed part-time .
3 Even allowing for the fact that Orphism , as the most recent artistic novelty , was attracting the attention of a press and public made restless and sensation-hungry by the numerous artistic upheavals which the twentieth century had already witnessed , the fact is that by 1914 the abstract tendencies in European painting were already assuming an importance second only to that of Cubism from which they had largely sprung .
4 For a moment Trent and Mariana were held immobile , stunned by the incredible power from which they had so narrowly escaped .
5 The yield of clones grown with the grass species from which they had originally been sampled again exceeded that made when they were grown in an ‘ alien ’ sward , P < 0.00001 .
6 If a geographical barrier such as a mountain range were gradually destroyed , there would come a point at which plant and animal species would be able to move into territory from which they had hitherto been excluded .
7 The south Italians and Sicilians , who were to flood into the big cities of the Americas , had hardly yet begun to stir from their native slum villages , the east Europeans , Catholic or Orthodox , remained largely sedentary , only the Jews seeping or flooding into provincial towns from which they had hitherto been excluded and thence into larger cities .
8 His first objective was to restore the authority of Soviet socialism by economic reform and political democratisation ; the second , much more ambitious objective was to reposition Soviet communism in relation to the European tradition from which it had originally emerged , seeking to build up a coalition of working class , religious , ecological , youth and other forces which could unite around the slogan of peace and social justice , if not necessarily Marxism-Leninism .
9 In the absence of other , countervailing forces , this externalization of Oedipal conflict would seriously threaten the whole psychological basis of culture ; it would threaten to undo all that millennia of civilization had achieved and would plunge humanity back into the savagery from which it had originally so painfully emerged .
10 The modem world from which I had briefly stepped aside seemed to come crowding in again .
11 My tapestries and books were turning into pitch-thick smoke , and the heat , from which I had hitherto been protected , it seems , by the initial surge of adrenalin through my body , now made it plain that this was the last window of opportunity for effecting a dignified , if empty-handed , exit .
12 A few months after the service started there was a tragedy when the young daughter of Mr. Whitehead , Headmaster of The Salisbury School ( now Chafyn Grove ) was killed as she ran behind the reversing bus from which she had just alighted .
13 She was obviously in distress , raising herself on all fours , snatching the hair from her face as she looked back in terror at the plaster wall from which she had just come .
14 For a fleeting moment , she wondered if the woman might have given her deliberately wrong directions but , shrugging the thought away , she started the car and turned back in the direction from which she had just come .
15 Supplanted , perhaps ; cheated ( by fate ) probably ; but now self-absolved from its responsibility , though to bear for ever in his mind the trauma of a calling from which he had somehow been disinherited .
16 Reporting on Nov. 21 on the results of his week-long tour of Eastern Europe from which he had just returned , Botha noted the establishment of consular ties with Czechoslovakia and Romania .
17 He pointed out a flat , tough door from which he had already removed the hinges and nails .
18 He had a pious sense of his own importance and had always thought all these acts were directed at him , from which he had only escaped by good luck .
19 But as the figure mounted still further , as it became abundantly clear that the Cabinet was barren of remedy , as the harsh eloquence of Oswald Mosley 's attacks damaged without moving the Government from which he had recently resigned , so comforting oratory became less of a substitute for action .
20 When the human teacher of the chimpanzee Nim Chimsky could no longer afford to continue his researches , Nim was returned to the community of zoo chimpanzees from which he had originally come .
21 Afraid that he might guess at her deceit , she began talking , laughing , making plans , distracting his attention from what she had wickedly led him to believe .
22 Kind he might be , although it seemed improbable from what she had so far seen of him , but Sally-Anne wanted nothing from men , neither kindness … nor love … nor anything .
23 Now they managed to get along together reasonably well , but she knew their relationship was a million miles from what it had once been , and it was an enduring sadness in her life .
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